Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History and Culture

AAM 2010Contemporary Black America3
AAM 3300XAfrican American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
ARTH 1010Art and its Histories3
ARTH 1070American Masterpieces in Art3
ARTH 1080Masterpieces in Art3
ARTH 1090Global Masterpieces in Art3
ARTH 1500Life & Times of Michelangelo3
ARTH 1700The History of Animation3
ARTH 2070Art and the Body3
ARTH 2100Art of Jerusalem and Three Faiths: Past and Present3
ARTH 2140Islamic Art and Society3
ARTH 2150Saints in Art3
ARTH 2200Art in Rome3
ARTH 2410Art of Cathedrals and Kings3
ARTH 2420Christian Art3
ARTH 2450Art of Pilgrimage and Crusades3
ARTH 2500Early Renaissance Art in Italy3
ARTH 2510High Renaissance Art in Italy3
ARTH 2710American Art: WWII to the Present3
ARTH 2750Nineteenth-Century Art3
ARTH 3020Christian Art: Advanced3
ARTH 3140Islamic Art and Society: Advanced3
ARTH 3410Art of Cathedrals and Kings: Advanced3
ARTH 3450Art of Pilgrimage and Crusades: Advanced Studies3
ARTH 3500Early Renaissance Art in Italy: Advanced3
ARTH 3510High Renaissance Art Italy: Advanced3
ARTH 3710American Art: WWII to the Present: Advanced3
ARTH 3750Nineteenth-Century Art: Advanced3
ARTH 3880History of Photography3
ASTD 1000Intro to American Culture: Movements, Myths, and Methods0,3
ASTD 2200American Homefronts, Global Wars3
ASTD 2400Immigration in U.S. History and Culture0,3
ASTD 2500American Identities3
ASTD 2600American Places0,3
ASTD 2750Stuff: American Consumer Culture in a Capitalist World3
ASTD 2800Sports in American Culture3
ASTD 2880Race and Citizenship in St. Louis History and Culture3
ASTD 3000American Decades3
ASTD 3030History and Fiction3
ASTD 3040Religion and U.S. Global Activism3
ASTD 3050American Soundscapes3
ASTD 3100Making the American City3
ASTD 3400American Incarceration3
ASTD 3500Religion & American Culture3
ASTD 3600American Food and Cultures3
ASTD 3900Multiracial America3
CMM 1450XIntroduction to Film and Media: Form and Context3
CMM 3460International Cinema3
CMM 3840Analysis of Popular Culture3
CORE 3415The Presence of the Past3
ENGL 2020Introduction to Literary Study3
ENGL 2250Conflict, Social Justice and Literature3
ENGL 2350Faith, Doubt and Literature3
ENGL 2450Nature, Ecology & Literature3
ENGL 2550Gender, Identity & Literature3
ENGL 2650Technology, Media & Literature3
ENGL 2750Film, Culture and Literature3
ENGL 2850Nation, Identity, and Literature3
ENGL 3140Poetry3
ENGL 3220Film and Literature3
ENGL 3250British Literary Traditions to 18000,3
ENGL 3260British Literary Traditions after 18003
ENGL 3270American Literary Traditions to 18653
ENGL 3280American Literatures after 18650,3
ENGL 3470Introduction to Shakespeare0,3
ENGL 3520African American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
ENGL 3570Writing Sex in the Middle Ages3
ENGL 3625The Sacramental Imagination: Modern American Catholicism in Literature, Rhetoric, and Film3
ENGL 3740Medicine and Literature3
FMST 1450Introduction to Film and Media: Form and Context3
FMST 2700XFilm, Culture and Literature3
FMST 3770XFilm and Literature3
FREN 2590Women Writers, Conflict, and Social Change in the French-speaking World.3
FREN 4290Conflict and Social Change: Women Writers in French3
GR 3500Courtly Love and Life Portrayed Through Medieval German Literature3
GR 3510Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival: Gender, Race, and Otherness3
HCE 2090Bioethics in an Interdisciplinary Perspective3
HCE 3060Plague Ethics: from the Black Death to COVID-193
HCE 3200Freaks and the Medical Body3
HCE 3240Bioethics after Auschwitz3
HCE 3250God in the Clinic? Exploring the Tension Between Spirituality and Health Care3
HIST 1110Origins of the Modern World to 15000,3
HIST 1120Origins of the Modern World (1500 to Present)0,3
HIST 1600History of the United States of America to 18653
HIST 1610History of the United States Since 18653
HIST 1700China and Japan To 1600: Histories, Cultures, Identities3
HIST 1710China and Japan Since 1600: Samurai, Revolutionaries, Entrepreneurs3
HIST 1730Who Were the Romans?3
HIST 2400XImmigration in U.S. History and Culture0,3
HIST 3040From Barbarians to Crusaders: Europe in the Early Middle Ages3
HIST 3060The Crusades3
HIST 3070Catholic Traditions to 15403
HIST 3080Catholicism Since 15403
HIST 3090The Age of Renaissance3
HIST 3100The Reformation Era3
HIST 3120French Revolution and Napoleon, 1789-18153
HIST 3220Jesuits and Their Worlds3
HIST 3460Tyrants, Traitors, Radicals: Founding the United States3
HIST 3590American Women3
HIST 3720Cultural Encounters 1500-17003
MUSC 1000Approaching the Arts: Music3
MUSC 1150History of Jazz3
MUSC 1170Music of Cultures of the World3
MUSC 1180Music of the African Diaspora3
MUSC 3300History of Music I3
MUSC 3310History of Music II3
PHIL 4600History of Modern Philosophy3
RUSS 3250Russia From Peter to Putin: Imperial, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Culture3
RUSS 3360In Prisons Dark: Confinement Literature in the Russian and Soviet Empires3
RUSS 3390Putin's Idiocracy3
SPAN 3010Connecting with the Hispanic World: Intermediate Spanish II3
SPAN 4200Introduction to Hispanic Literatures3
SPAN 4260Latin American 'Modernism'2-3
SPAN 4760Spanish Literature and Film3
SPAN 4790Spanish Culture & Civilization3
THEO 2110Introduction to the Old Testament3
THEO 2210Introduction to the New Testament3
THEO 2320Seeking God and Building Faith in the Middle Ages3
THEO 2755Islam: Religion, Culture, and Society3
THEO 3115Biblical Prophets: Voices of Conscience and Social Justice3
THEO 3210One Jesus, Four Portraits: The Gospels3
THEO 3350Justice and Peace: The Legal Imagination in Christianity3
THEO 3375Women in the Bible3
THR 1500Introduction to Theatre3
THR 2700Exploring U.S. Diversity in Theatre3
VPA 1000Intro to the Arts3
WGST 2400Gender and Popular Culture3
WGST 2550XGender, Identity & Literature3
WGST 2700Feminisms in the U.S.: Intersectional Approaches3
WGST 2800Men and Masculinities3
WGST 3240XReading the Female Bildungsroman3
WGST 3350Women and Gender in Global Film3
WGST 3550XAmerican Women3