Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1010 - Spanish for Beginners

3 Credits

Introduction to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. Prepares you to operate within areas of immediate needs and simple situations. No previous experience with Spanish is needed.

Attributes: MLIC Language

SPAN 1020 - Exploring the Hispanic World: Beginning Spanish

3 Credits

A continuation of SPAN 1010, this course is an overview of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. Prepares you to function in simple situations related to personal interests and daily life. Develops all language skills to move you into the intermediate Spanish level. Some previous experience with Spanish is needed.

Prerequisite(s): (SPAN 1010 or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 2)

Attributes: MLIC Language

SPAN 1200 - Exploring the Hispanic World: Beginning Spanish Review

4 Credits

Overview of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. Prepares you to operate within areas of immediate needs, function in simple situations of personal interests and daily life. Develops all language skills to move you into the intermediate Spanish level. Some previous experience with Spanish is recommended.

Attributes: Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language

SPAN 1930 - Special Topics

1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 1980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 2010 - Connecting with the Hispanic World: Intermediate Spanish 1

3 Credits

This course invites you to collaborate in Spanish to connect with Hispanic communities. Prepares you to communicate in Spanish through writing, speech and visual media. This is the first course in the Spanish major/minor sequence.

Prerequisite(s): (SPAN 1020, Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 1020, LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 3, or SPAN 1200)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), MLIC Language

SPAN 2150 - Introduction to Medical Spanish

3 Credits

Communicative approach course for health and nursing professionals whose main goal is to train students to interact effectively with patients whose native language is Spanish. It is about addressing the appropriate vocabulary, structures, formulas and expressions to relate to patients and adequately inform them about the diagnosis, medication, treatments or therapies to follow. It is also about developing tolerance towards the cultural norms and beliefs of patients, so that nurse-patient communication is more effective. In this sense, the course tries to raise awareness of possible cultural prejudices and increase cultural competence to interact with Hispanic patients.

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 2240 - Meeting the Other: Hispanic Experience

3 Credits

Development of cultural awareness and appreciation of the Hispanic experience as presented by its three main representatives: Spain, Latin America and the Hispanic presence in the United States. Taught in English.

Attributes: Spanish Major taught English, Urban Poverty - Immigration

SPAN 2400 - Introduction to Spanish Culture

3-4 Credits

This new course is designed to bring non-Spanish students a basic understanding of Spain’s history, culture and society, as well as of themselves in an intercultural context. Students attend lectures on campus and participate in guided tours of the city of Madrid. At the end of the semester, students reflect on how their study and travels positions them for future global learning.

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS)

SPAN 2930 - Special Topics

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 2980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Prior approval required of sponsoring professor and department chairperson.

SPAN 3010 - Connecting with the Hispanic World: Intermediate Spanish II

3 Credits

This course invites you to collaborate in Spanish to connect with Hispanic communities. Prepares you to communicate in Spanish through writing, speech and visual media.

Prerequisite(s): (SPAN 2010, Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 2010, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 4)

Attributes: Literature Requirement (A&S), Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Foreign Service Elective, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), MLIC Language, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture

SPAN 3020 - Eloquent Communication in Spanish

3 Credits

Development of fluent oral expression through communicative activities stressing listening comprehension, structural accuracy and systematic approach to vocabulary expansion.

Prerequisite(s): (SPAN 3010, Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 2010, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 4)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Foreign Service Elective, MLIC Language, UUC:Oral & Visual Comm

SPAN 3030 - Refining Spanish Expression: Grammar & Composition

3 Credits

Continuation of both SPAN 3010 and SPAN 3020. Course focuses on the development of effective writing skills in Spanish at the advanced level. Students engage in process writing in genres belonging to journalism, academic research, and creative writing. SPAN 3030 prepares students for upper-level classes in Spanish in literature, linguistics, and culture in which students need to articulate ideas with accuracy and sophistication, mindful of purpose and audience. SPAN 3030 may be taken concurrently with another 3000-level class beyond SPAN 3020. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): ((SPAN 3010 and SPAN 3020), Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 3020, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 5)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language, Spanish Electives, UUC:Writing Intensive

SPAN 3040 - In Conversation with the Hispanic World

3 Credits

Continuation of both SPAN 3010 and SPAN 3020. Accuracy and fluency in oral expression in topics of particular interest and special fields of competence. May be taken concurrently with SPAN 3030.

Prerequisite(s): ((SPAN 3010 and SPAN 3020), Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 3020, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 5)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies-General, MLIC Language, Spanish Electives

SPAN 3100 - Spanish Pronunciation

3 Credits

In this course, students improve oral, listening, reading, and writing skills through a comprehensive review of Spanish pronunciation. With phonetic analysis students learn how Spanish sounds are produced, fall into patterns, and change in different environments. Attention is devoted to pronunciation practice and introductory training in phonetic transcription. We focus on the contrast between Spanish and English sound patterns to help students understand the major differences between both languages and improve their Spanish pronunciation. Finally, we discuss some of the most salient dialectal differences from around the Spanish-speaking world. Taught in Spanish. (Offered as needed)

Prerequisite(s): ((SPAN 3010 with a grade of C or higher and SPAN 3020 with a grade of C or higher), Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 3020, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 5)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Linguistics, Spanish Electives

SPAN 3150 - Medical Spanish

3 Credits

Through the practice of medical terminology and patient-provider interactions, students in this course improve oral, listening, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. Examination of relevant cultural health issues for Hispanic populations in the United States is combined with active practice of vocabulary and grammatical structures through roleplays, interpretation practice, discussions and debates, and listening practice. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): ((SPAN 3010 with a grade of C or higher and SPAN 3020 with a grade of C or higher) or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 5)

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language, Spanish Electives

SPAN 3160 - Spanish for Mental Health Professionals

3 Credits

The course is aimed at students in the area of mental health and psychology who are going to use Spanish as a work tool in their professional future. It can even be done by those people who, although they do not have technical knowledge of this discipline, have a general interest and wish to learn and practice in Spanish on this topic. The objective of the course is to promote a framework that helps the student apply knowledge through the practice of medical terminology, and reflection on practical cases that describe scenarios. Students will improve oral, listening, reading and writing skills in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3010; SPAN 3020

Attributes: Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), PSY Health Applied Cluster, Spanish Electives

SPAN 3360 - Race, Gender, Class and Social Justice in Latin America

3 Credits

This course examines the intersection of gender, race and class in the study of contemporary women's social justice movements in Latin America. In a region characterized by extreme inequalities based on class, race, gender and language, (among others), organized collective action and social movements are powerful tools for marginalized and excluded groups of women to make their voices heard. In this course, students improve oral, listening, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. Class time will be devoted to active practice of vocabulary and grammatical structures through discussions and debates on class topics. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): ((SPAN 3010 with a grade of C or higher and SPAN 3020 with a grade of C or higher), Spanish Waiver per Advisor with a minimum score of 3020, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 5)

Attributes: International Studies-Economy, International Studies-Latin Am, Spanish Electives

SPAN 3910 - Internship

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action

SPAN 3930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 3980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 4000 - Advanced Spanish Grammar

3 Credits

The objectives of the course are to identify and describe intuitive knowledge that a native speaker of Spanish possesses and to perfect the student's knowledge of various topics of Spanish grammar by means of theoretical explanation and solving practical exercises. Assignments emphasize inductive reasoning as well as original language use. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Foreign Service Elective, MLIC Language, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4020 - Spanish in the World

3 Credits

This course offers a comprehensive analysis of Hispanic dialectology and its historical context. Topics covered include the peninsular origins of Spanish, its past and present contacts with other languages, the features which characterize the different varieties of Spanish (including Spanish in the USA), and the lexical, grammatical, and phonetic features which distinguish European and American Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): (4 Courses from SPAN 3000-3999, SPAN 3010, and SPAN 3020)

Attributes: UUC:Identities in Context, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SPAN 4030 - Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

3 Credits

An introduction to the basic concepts of linguistic analysis, as applied to the Spanish language. This course will cover many aspects of language, including structures, social dimensions, and cognitive processes. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: MLIC Linguistics, Spanish Electives, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SPAN 4040 - Methods of Teaching Spanish

3 Credits

This course provides future second language teachers with fundamental knowledge of second language acquisition and an overview of current approaches to language teaching and assessment. In order to bridge the theoretical realm and real-life applications, students will engage in reflective and practical activities designed to enhance pedagogical and curricular decision-making, and to develop teaching practices and strategies. Challenges particular to learning and teaching second languages for adults will be explored in order to understand and explain the “what,” “how” and “why” of instructional practices and approaches in particular educational contexts. Course taught in Spanish with a lab practicum. (Offered occasionally)

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 4000-4999

SPAN 4050 - Span Phonetics & Phonology

2 or 3 Credits

Theoretical and practical approach to Spanish phonetics and phonology from the dual perspective of the underlying representative of sound units and their pronunciation within syllables, words, and phrases. Auditory comprehensive and sound discrimination practice, with transcription exercises and attention to correct pronunciation. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Foreign Service Elective, International Studies, International Studies-Europe, Linguistics Elective, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4060 - History of the Spanish Language

3 Credits

This course is an overview of the historical origins of Spanish and the linguistic variation in the Hispanic world. You will become: aware of the social, geographical, and historical development of Spanish; be familiar with terminologies related to dialectology; and examine linguistic phenomena that account for cases of variation. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4070 - Spanish in the United States of America

3 Credits

This course explores cultural, historic and sociolinguistic aspects of the Spanish language in the United States by discussing an historical overview of the varieties of Spanish spoken and our demographic reality in the U.S. today. In this class, you will discuss issues such as linguistic variation, language contact and change, and the relationship among race, ethnicity, and language. Other sociolinguistic topics we will consider are: language attitudes, official language policies, individual and societal bilingualism, and language diversity in education. The course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. (Offered occasionally)

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Spanish Electives

SPAN 4090 - Spanish Sociolinguistics

3 Credits

This course aims to develop students' abilities to notice, investigate and interpret sociolinguistic phenomena in the world around them. Topics include pragmatics, historical changes in Spanish, and dialectical variation. Discussions will center primarily but not exclusively around sociolinguistics of the Spanish-speaking world. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Linguistics Elective, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4130 - Second Language Acquisition

3 Credits

This course reviews major theories about how second or foreign languages are learned and what factors influence the process. We will discuss what these theories mean to the teacher, the learner, and the policy maker, and what the theories tell us about psychology and linguistics. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Italian Related Studies, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4150 - Spanish for the Health Professions

3 Credits

This course is an introduction to Spanish used in the health professions for advanced students of Spanish. Medical terminology, language skills, patient interaction, cultural awareness and sensitivity are among the topics covered. It is designed to accommodate the needs of students in diverse health fields. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies-Europe, International Studies-Health, Spanish Electives, UUC:Collaborative Inquiry, UUC:Dignity, Ethics & Just Soc, UUC:Reflection-in-Action

SPAN 4160 - Business & Prof Spanish

3 Credits

Application of language skills and cultural awareness to specific business and professional practices. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies, International Studies-Europe, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4170 - English-Spanish in Translation

3 Credits

The course includes the analysis of translations in several different fields and practice translations of these different types of texts (literature, business texts, cultural texts, reports and essays). One day there will be a reinforcement of translation of the most important grammatical contents of the Spanish language (presentations and interactive practice). The other day, translations of the copies will be revised in class, which must be delivered the following day class. There will be projects, presentations and exams. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4175 - Introduction to Translation English-Spanish

3 Credits

Translation involves much more than changing words from one language into another. It is a daily activity in our global world that aims to connect individuals and societies, advance learning and research, and solve social problems. This course familiarizes students with professional approaches to translation and ways of solving the most significant practical problems that may arise in specialized translation between English and Spanish. Students increase language skills in Spanish, while developing intercultural and creative abilities. Weekly practice focuses on a variety of texts that range from forms, comics, or subtitles, to medical and literary texts. Taught in Spanish.

Attributes: Literature Requirement (A&S), Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Course taught in Spanish, Spanish Electives, UUC:Creative Expression

SPAN 4180 - Creative Writing in Spanish

3 Credits

This course seeks to engage students in a creative writing process that aims to include students' interests and concerns, whether they have experience in the field or not. Students' creativity will be facilitated by exposure to a number of artistic works, mainly literary but also belonging to other fields (music, painting, videos, cinema,...). Likewise, with the help of numerous writing dynamics in class (which may include going out of the classroom) we will avoid creative blocking, and week by week we will be adding varied texts to the individual portfolio. Students work continuously on a writing notebook, which will be submitted (with feedback) twice along the semester. The practice of creative writing in Spanish leads to an improvement in fluency and communication skills in Spanish, a deeper knowledge of the self, and a development of creative and critical abilities for each person involved in this adventure.

Attributes: Literature Requirement (A&S), Upper Division Literature, Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4200 - Introduction to Hispanic Literatures

3 Credits

This introduction to Hispanic literature will examine the different genres and representative texts to enable the students to acquire a working knowledge both of the literary history of the genres and the analysis of literary texts in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies-Arts, International Studies-Europe, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture

SPAN 4220 - Soccer and Society in the Spanish-Speaking World

3 Credits

This multidisciplinary course examines soccer as a way to understand problems present in Spanish modern societies. The course examines how soccer explains the Spanish-speaking world in terms of justice and power, and looks through historical, sociological, psychological, linguistic and political questions to address the pressing current questions of Hispanic societies: how does soccer deal with problems of inequality such as racism, sexism, immigration, poverty, nationalism, etc.? Soccer –known as fútbol in Spanish- is most popular sport in the world and in most Spanish-speaking countries it has become the national pastime, the only exceptions being the Caribbean countries. Taught in Spanish.

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies

SPAN 4240 - Short Stories: History, Histories. Deciphering Latin-American Societies and Cultures

3 Credits

The study of Latin American societies and cultures, from Mexico to Argentina, is based on the interpretation and analysis of short stories, documentaries, chronicles, and songs that reveal the lives of marginalized social groups within these cultures. The tensions between social classes within Latin American societies (rural and urban cultures, for example), as well as the relationship that Latin America maintains with major world powers like the United States, Canada, and Europe, will be discussed. The economic, cultural and political agendas of these multinational agents lead to the tensions previously mentioned, especially for the marginalized groups. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4260 - Latin American 'Modernism'

2-3 Credits

Survey course that examines the literary expressions of the debate on Modernity and Modernization in Latin America in the period 1820-1920. Topics such as national identity, the creation of modern cities, the education of women and the role of minorities will be examined through an anthology of short stories, articles, poems, essays and comics. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture

SPAN 4270 - Contemporary Latin American Poetry

3 Credits

Survey course that analyses a representative group of Latin American poets. Main themes and formal characteristics of these authors will be discussed. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, International Studies, International Studies-Latin Am, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4280 - Early Latin American Novel

3 Credits

This course discusses crucial cultural concerns of nineteenth-century Latin America through a socio-historical examination of novels written after Independence. Special attention will be given to the construction of social norms, the creation of cultural institutions, and the role of identity within the formation of new national cultures. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4290 - Contemporary Latin American Novel

2-3 Credits

Survey course that examines the Latin American novels written between 1940 and 1970. Main themes and formal characteristics of these novels will be discussed in the context of the so-called Latin American Boom. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, International Studies, International Studies-Latin Am, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4310 - Contemporary Latin-Am Drama

3 Credits

Survey course that analyses the development of Latin American Theater through the 20th century. Different schools and trends will be discussed. Occasionally this course will focus on specific issues or group of authors i.e. women playwrights, etc. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4320 - The African Experience in Spanish America

3 Credits

This course examines the literary contributions of Afro-Hispanic writers from Spanish America and Equatorial Guinea in order to discuss the complexity of the African experience in the Spanish-speaking world from the colonial period to the 21st Century. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4330 - Latin Am Novel after 1970

3 Credits

Survey course that analyses a representative group of Latin American novels written after 1970. Main themes and formal characteristics of these novels will be discussed in the context of the so-called Post-modern Era. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4340 - Identities of the Other in 19th-c. Latin American Narrative

3 Credits

Exploration of textual and visual imagery of the foreigner in the nineteenth century, the formative period of modern-day Latin American identities. We will read novels, excerpts, short stories, contemporary essays, and critical theory on the Other, Foreigner, Stranger and Outsider. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4350 - Latin American Testimony

3 Credits

In this course, students explore one of the most significant genres of 20th-century Spanish-American literature: el Testimonio. Testimony is a hybrid genre that moves across the borders of the novel, biography, or autobiography, as well as diverse disciplines such as literature, anthropology, sociology, or journalism. Throughout the course, we will discuss topics such as the problematic relationship between fiction and reality, identity, political commitment, the figure of the "author", the "subaltern" and the relations of power. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Global Citizenship (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, International Studies-Arts, International Studies-War, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4360 - Women's Literature in Latin America

3 Credits

This course introduces students to the work of Latin American women writers from the Colonial period through the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The discussion will focus on the history of women's education, concepts of beauty, the role of women in society, and the construction of women's identity. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies-Arts, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4370 - Latin American Film

3 Credits

This course looks at critical historical moments and issues over five centuries of conflict and change in Latin America through the vehicle of film. We will look at issues of authenticity and voice, some of the pitfalls of using film to understand history, and at the role of cinema in the creation of national and popular memory. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS-Latin Am Lit & Portuguese, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4380 - Cultural Stereotypes: Latin Am

3 Credits

This course is an interdisciplinary approach which confronts stereotypes about Latin American cultures. It involves a vast array of experiences that has established differences, stigmas, and marginalization of Latin Americans. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Global Citizenship (CAS), International Studies, Spanish Electives, Urban Poverty - Immigration

SPAN 4390 - Contemporary Spanish Women Writers

2-3 Credits

On the edges of the canon. Introduction to a century of women’s writings from the “Generation of ‘27” to present-day authors. Analysis of novels and short stories by contemporary women writers of Spain. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies, International Studies-Europe, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4400 - Strangers in a Familiar Land: Displacements in Latin America

3 Credits

This class discusses literature, films, documentaries and paintings that portray Latin American displacement after 1950. The approach offers a multidisciplinary view of the diverse participants in Latin American realities. We debate the dynamic of border crossing in the global era, specifically with respect to refugees, exiles, excluded and missing people. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Global Citizenship (CAS), International Studies, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4510 - Contemporary Latino Literature

3 Credits

This course will provide students with an introduction to the major literary works and themes characterizing Latino/a literary production in the United States from the mid-twentieth century to the present. Course will be conducted in English. Spanish majors will do written work in Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, Spanish Major taught English

SPAN 4521 - The Kingdom of Brevity: Spanish and Spanish-American Short-Short Stories

3 Credits

Introduction to the micro-short story in Latin America and Spain since first decades of the 20th century, followed by the evolution of ultra-brief narrative to present. From year 2000,we will analyze the hyper-brief narrative in accordance with Lit-Theory & new ideological and sociological tendencies. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4560 - Don Quixote

3 Credits

Analysis of the counter-reformation masterpiece of Miguel de Cervantes. Paradoxical baroque double-vision of reality with resultant vital tension: The baroque sensibility. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4571 - People and Things Out of Place: Transnational Border Crossings in 21st-Century Hispanic Cinema

3 Credits

We will explore a selection of films --from Latin America and Spain, from the turn of the 21st-century to the present-- that portray changing migratory flows of bodies and commodities throughout the Hispanic World, allowing us to address critical questions regarding gender/social (in)equalities, human rights, racism, and political oppression. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4580 - Honor & Swords: Golden Age Drama

3 Credits

The Spanish theatre of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Analysis of the works of Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, Agustin Moreto, and Pedro Calderon. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4590 - Spanish Jewry in Spain and in the Diaspora

3 Credits

This course studies medieval Spanish Jewish life, under Islam and Christianity. How the three groups related to and influenced one another. It continues with the New Christians after the expulsion of 1492, in Iberia and the New World, and with the Sephardic Jews in the Diaspora. Taught in Spanish or English.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies-Europe, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, UUC:Identities in Context

SPAN 4630 - Narrative of the Spanish Civil War

3 Credits

This course is a study of the narrative of the Spanish Civil War, using works that reflect the conflicts and social injustices which existed between the two Spains. This class will analyze the ideological differences which found their end in the tragedy of the Civil War of 1936-1939. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Foreign Service Elective, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4640 - Evil in Modern Culture

3 Credits

This course aims at scrutinizing and understanding evil as manifested and/or represented in selected cultural artifacts and philosophical texts from the Enlightenment through the Cold War. Some of the topics to be discussed are the so-called problem of evil, the horror, terror, radical evil, sadism, and genocide. Since evil has a multifaceted nature and many modes of appearance, it will be approached by putting into dialogue philosophical texts and cultural works. Accordingly, a specific aspect of evil will be studied from a multidisciplinary angle. At the course’s core intersect ethical, political, and artistic issues. Texts and films by Sade, Unamuno, Nietzsche, Kant, Arendt, Levinas, Ford Coppola, and Lanzmann will be studied throughout the course. Taught in English.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Literature Requirement (A&S), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, Spanish Major taught English

SPAN 4660 - Generation of 98

2-3 Credits

Ideology, themes and literary styles of major contemporary prose fiction writers: Miguel de Unamuno, Pío Baroja, Valle Inclán, Gabriel Miró, Ramón Pérez de Ayala and Gómez de la Serna. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS)

SPAN 4680 - Contemporary Spanish Short Story

3 Credits

This is a survey course of the short story in Spain in the twentieth century since the Civil War. It studies the ideological, sociological, and formal characteristics that define the short story writing of this period. Authors: Aldecoa, Matute, Gaite, Cubas, Puértolas among others. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4700 - 20th Century Spanish Poetry

3 Credits

Antonio Machado, Juan Ramon Jiménez, Pedro Salinas, Aleixandre, Federico García Lorca, Blas de Otero: Nuances of existential dilemmas. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4710 - 20th Century Spanish Novel

2-3 Credits

Ideological themes and aesthetics of Camilo José Cela, Carmen Laforet, Ramon Sender, Juan Goytisolo, Elena Quiroga, A.M. Matute, Delibes, and L.M. Santos. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4720 - Twentieth Century Spanish Drama

3 Credits

Themes and aesthetics of Alejandro Casona, Federico García Lorca, Alfonso Sastre, F. Arrabal, and Buero Vallejo. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4740 - Peninsular Spanish Poetry 1965-present

3 Credits

Literary analysis and poetic interpretation of a representative selection of Peninsular Spanish poetry since 1965. Awareness of how the political and social changes the last three decades of the 20th Century influenced the literary production in Spain. Authors include: Pere Gimferrer, Jenaro Talens, Luis Antonio de Villena, Jose Miguel Ullán, Miguel D'Ors, Jon Juaristi, Julio Llamazares, Ana Rossetti, Blanca Andreau, Aurora Luque. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4750 - Spanish Novel After 1970

3 Credits

Study of the most significant directions to the Spanish novel from 1970 to the present day. Change and continuity in society and the novel. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), International Studies, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4760 - Spanish Literature and Film

3 Credits

Literary analysis and cinematic interpretation of a representative selection of modern and contemporary Spanish masterpieces and homonymous films. Awareness and understanding of how literature and film techniques progressively relate to each other. Among the authors and film directors to be studied: Benito Pérez Galdós, Federico García Lorca, Miguel Delibes, Carlos Saura, Luis Buñuel and Pilar Miró. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture

SPAN 4770 - Spanish Women Poets

3 Credits

Historical analysis and literary interpretation of a representative selection of modern and contemporary Spanish women poets. Discussion of the topics and preoccupations present in their work, and of their contribution to reformulating the male canon in general. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4790 - Spanish Culture & Civilization

3 Credits

Presentation and discussion of significant cultural, social, economic and political events and issues that have shaped Spain: its institutions, its cultural and artistic developments. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), IAS - Spanish Literature, International Studies, International Studies-Europe, MLIC Elective, Spanish Electives, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture, UUC:Identities in Context

SPAN 4820 - The Short Story in Medieval Spain: Fear, Education and Humor

1 or 3 Credits

This course explores short narrative types and their functions during the thirteenth century up to the sixteenth century in Spain. Topics to cover are: the interplay of different cultures, gender roles, ideological uses, and differences between medieval and contemporary short narratives. All texts are provided in modern Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Medieval (Major) - Literature, Medieval (Minor) - Literature, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4830 - Spanish Medieval Masterpieces

3 Credits

Close reading and discussion of several medieval Spanish masterpieces, which have remained modern throughout the ages. Insight into social, historical, literary, and creative issues. Analysis of topics such as medieval conceptions of violence, ethics, heroism, originality, love, etc. Medieval texts are read in modern Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Medieval (Major) - Literature, Medieval (Minor) - Literature, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4840 - Love in the Middle Ages

3 Credits

This course explores different ways of conceptualizing and talking of and through love by means of a selection of texts inherited from medieval Spain. The student will be exposed to mystic love, passionate love, antifeminist discourses, medical notions, etc. Medieval texts are read in modern Spanish. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4850 - Don Quixote and the Books that Drove Him Mad

3 Credits

A study of prose works from Spanish Golden Age (16th-17th centuries). Analysis of works by Jorge de Montemayor, Teresa de Ávila, María de Zayas, Miguel de Cervantes and the anonymous author of Lazarillo de Tormes. Taught in Spanish.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), Literature BA Requirement(CAS), Literature BS Requirement(CAS), Spanish Electives

SPAN 4910 - Internship

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action

SPAN 4930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Descriptive Text is not available for this proposal to add dept-level attribute, International Studies-Europe.

Prerequisite(s): 2 Courses from SPAN 3021-3999 with a grade of C or higher

Attributes: International Studies-Europe, Spanish Electives

SPAN 4980 - Advanced Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 5000 - Teaching College Spanish

1 Credit (Repeatable for credit)

Practice-centered teaching training for college-level Spanish courses. Discussion and application of course development, of current approaches to teaching and of evaluation techniques. Systematic incorporation of technology in the learning process. (Available to Teaching Assistants only. Offered every semester.)

SPAN 5010 - Spanish for Reading and Translation

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Fulfills requirement for foreign-language reading proficiency for doctoral candidates in various departments. Presents principles and practices of translation. Students learn reading comprehension by recognizing fundamental grammatical patterns of Spanish and by translation skills. Required readings from Hispanic history, culture, literature. For projects students choose and translate passages of their own academic interest. <b>Does not count toward MA in Spanish. Taught in English.</b>

SPAN 5020 - Spanish in the World

3 Credits

A comprehensive analysis of Hispanic dialectology and its historical context. Topics covered include the peninsular origins of Spanish, its past and present contacts with other languages, the features which characterize the different varieties of Spanish (including U.S. Spanish), and the lexical, grammatical, and phonetic features which distinguish European and American Spanish. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5030 - Spanish Linguistics

3 Credits

Introduction to the fields of linguistics through discussion and analysis of the Spanish Language, including phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, dialects, and other topics. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5040 - Methods of Teaching Spanish

3 Credits

This course aims to provide current & future teachers with fundamental knowledge of second language acquisition (SLA) as well as an overview of approaches to language teaching & assessment. Students will engage in reflective & practical activities designed to enhance pedagogical & curricular decision-making, as well as develop teaching practices & strategies that bridge theory & application. Challenges particular to SLA for adult learners will be explored in order to understand & explain the “what,” “how” & “why” of different instructional practices & approaches in particular educational contexts. Integration of technology into the second language classroom will also be considered. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5041 - Methods of Teaching Spanish I: Best Practices and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

3 Credits

This course provides participants with fundamental knowledge on world language teaching and learning, with a focus on instructional design and second language acquisition (SLA) theory. A central goal is to connect applied research and theoretical SLA frameworks to current best practices in teaching Spanish as a second language. Specifically, we will explore ways for participants to advocate for curricular decision-making that prioritizes learners’ needs in diverse educational settings. Participants will be introduced to the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) National Standards and other important local and global standards of teaching Spanish as a world language.

SPAN 5042 - Methods of Teaching Spanish II: Assessment and Language Learner Contexts

3 Credits

Participants will continue to build knowledge of world language teaching and learning, with a focus on assessment design and second language acquisition (SLA) theory. A central goal is to learn how to measure Spanish language skill development and to design valid and reliable assessment instruments for the world language classroom. In addition, participants will explore important societal topics that impact individual student learner needs and educational context challenges: specifically, legal and ethical topics related to world language teaching and learning; differentiated best practices for Spanish Heritage learners; and individual learner variables from both educational psychology and cognitive linguistics perspectives.

SPAN 5050 - Spanish Phonology and Its Place in the Classroom

3 Credits

A survey of fundamental concepts in phonology and phonetics so that the students will be able to describe the primary characteristics of the Spanish sound system, how Spanish phonology differs from English, and ways in which some Spanish accents differ from each other. Also discussed are how such concepts can be used to improve the pronunciation and listening comprehension of students of Spanish, students’ appreciation of dialectical variation, and one’s own control over Spanish pronunciation. (STL)

SPAN 5240 - Short Stories: History, Histories

3 Credits

This course explores the Latin American short stories written after 1950. This class’s approach works to bridge literary texts with cultural production in order to allow for a comprehensive view of the contemporary historical life. The production of authors such as Uslar Pietri, Borges, Juan Rulfo, García Márquez, Julio Cortázar and others is discussed. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5250 - The Fantastic in Hispanic American Literature

3 Credits

Study of the several theories of The Fantastic as a genre in Latin American literature. Writers studied include canonical authors (Cortázar, Borges, and Lugones) as well as new voices (Tarazona and Schweblin).

Attributes: Course taught in Spanish

SPAN 5260 - Latin American 'Modernismo'

3 Credits

A survey course that examines the literary expressions of the debate on Modernity and Modernization in Latin America in the period 1820-1920. Topics such as national identity, the creation of modern cities, the 'education of women' and the role of minorities will be examined through an anthology of short stories, articles, poems, essays and comics. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5270 - Contemporary Latin American Poetry

2-3 Credits

Survey course that analyses a representative group of Latin American poets. Main themes and formal characteristics of these authors will be discussed. (Madrid)

SPAN 5280 - Early Latin American Novel

3 Credits

Survey course that examines the Latin American novels written between 1890 and 1940. The class presents an overview of the major movements that informed the novels of the period such as Naturalism, Indigenism, the Historicism, Futurism and other Avant-garde trends. The issues of the construction of national identity and the formation of modern 'civilized' societies will be addressed. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5290 - Boom, Mass Media and Utopia

3 Credits

This course discusses the Latin American narratives and essays and the birth of media culture in Latin America. The cultural production discussed is implied in the political context of the so-called cold war. Main novels discussed belong to the so-called Boom of novel. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5320 - The African Experience in Spanish America

3 Credits

This course examines the literary contributions of Afro-Hispanic writers from Spanish America and Equatorial Guinea in order to discuss the complexity of the African experience in the Spanish-speaking world from the colonial period to the 21st Century. In addition to the discussion of race and class issues, the class focuses on the subject of Canon formation and Canon exclusion in order to bridge the real and imagined gaps between Afro-Hispanic literature and that written by canonized writers in Spanish America and Spain.([STL)

SPAN 5330 - Narratives on the End of Utopias

3 Credits

This course examines recent Latin American trends that broke up the traditional canon of novel and literary conceptions based on Modernist culture. Categories based on hegemonic discourse and hierarchies are debated. (STL)

SPAN 5340 - Identities of the Other in 19th-c. Latin American Narrative

3 Credits

Exploration of textual and visual imagery of the foreigner in the nineteenth century, the formative period of modern-day Latin American identities. We will read novels, excerpts, short stories, contemporary essays, and critical theory on the Other, Foreigner, Stranger and Outsider. (Offered: As needed/Periodically)

SPAN 5350 - Counter Hegemony Discourses

3 Credits

This course bridges Latin American literary and cultural productions that confront the use and abuse of local and international power. Voiceless people speak about their disenchanted life. Taught in Spanish. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5360 - Written by Herself: Latin American Women Writers

3 Credits

This course introduces the students to the work of Latin American women writers from the Colonial period to the 21st century. The discussion will focus on the history of women’s education, concepts of beauty, the role of women in society and the construction of women’s identity. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5370 - Latin American Film

3 Credits

This course looks at critical historical moments and issues over five centuries of conflict and change in Latin America through the vehicle of film. We will look at issues of authenticity and voice, some of the pitfalls of using film to understand history, and at the role of cinema in the creation of national and popular memory. (STL)

SPAN 5380 - Cultural Stereotypes: Latin America

3 Credits

This course is an interdisciplinary approach which confronts stereotypes about Latin American cultures. It involves a vast array of experiences that has established differences, stigmas, and marginalization of Latin Americans. (STL)

SPAN 5400 - Strangers in a Familiar Land: Displacements in Latin America

3 Credits

This class discusses literature, films, documentaries and paintings that portray Latin American displacement after 1950. The approach offers a multidisciplinary view of the diverse participants in Latin American realities. We debate the dynamic of border crossing in the global era, specifically with respect to refugees, exiles, excluded and missing people.

SPAN 5420 - Contemporary Latin American Women Poets

3 Credits

This course seeks to focus on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries through the work of women authors who changed the course of poetry in Latin America, both for the incorporation of their highly personal creations to the general panorama of literature and for the significance of their condition as women in the map of recent poetry. The trajectory of Alfonsina Storni, Olga Orozco, Blanca Varela, Alejandra Pizarnik, and María Mercedes Carranza, among others, will be studied.

Prerequisite(s): SPAN 4200

SPAN 5521 - Hispanic Short-Short Stories

3 Credits

An introduction to the micro-short story in Latin America and Spain in the early 20th century, followed by the evolution of the ultra-brief narrative throughout the 20th century. Analysis of hyper-brief narratives through current ideological and sociological tendencies. Special focus on formal analysis of the genre through selected readings. (Madrid)

SPAN 5560 - Don Quixote by Cervantes

3 Credits

Study of Cervantes’ masterpiece, Parts 1 & 2, with special attention to its literary form and structure. The term Spanish Golden Age, and the concept of the modern novel will be followed by a close textual reading of Don Quixote. A range of critical essays will enrich the study of the primary text. (STL / Madrid)

SPAN 5590 - Span Jewry in Spain and in the Diaspora

3 Credits

This course studies medieval Spanish Jewish life, under Islam and Christianity. How the three groups related to and influenced one another. It continues with the New Christians after the expulsion of 1492, in Iberia and the New World, and with the Sephardic Jews in the Diaspora. (STL)

SPAN 5680 - Contemporary Spanish Short Story

3 Credits

This course introduces the students to the general study of the Spanish short story of the twentieth-century after the Spanish Civil War from the seventies to the nineties. The focus will be the most significant tendencies of each period, and their principal authors will be studied. (Madrid)

SPAN 5700 - Twentieth-Century Poetry

3 Credits

Machado, Salinas, Jimenez, Aleixandre, Garcia Lorca, Blas de Otero, Hierro. Searching for meaning of life in a fragmented world. (Offered occasionally) (Madrid)

SPAN 5710 - Twentieth-Century Novel

2 or 3 Credits

Themes and styles of Camilo Jose Cela, Carmen Laforet, Ramon Sender, Juan Goytisolo, Elena Quiroga, A.M. Matute, and L.M. Santos. (Offered every other year) (Madrid)

SPAN 5720 - Twentieth-Century Drama

3 Credits

Casona, Buero, Sastre, Garcia Lorca, Arrabal. Probing into the human condition: especially human mortality. (Offered every other year.) (Madrid)

SPAN 5740 - From the Poetry of Knowledge to the Poetry of the Turn of the Century

3 Credits

Study of how Spanish poetry has recorded the different political, social, and cultural changes in the country during the second half of the twentieth-century to the present. Movements studied include: the poetry of knowledge, the “novísimos,” “post-novísimos”, the poetry of experience, the new sentimentality, the poetry of silence, and the poetry of the turn of the century. (Madrid)

SPAN 5750 - Spanish Novel After 1970

3 Credits

This course introduces the students to the study of the Spanish novel after 1970. The class will begin with the years of transition from dictatorship to democracy. There will be a specific study of the most representative movements and tendencies of the Spanish novel after the seventies, with special emphasis on the period form 1975 until the end of the century. (Offered occasionally) (Madrid)

SPAN 5760 - Spanish Literature and Film

3 Credits

SPAN 5770 - Verbum: the Journey of Women Poets in Contemporary Spain

3 Credits

Historical analysis of Spain’s contemporary women poets’ struggle with the canon. Literary interpretation of a representative selection of modern and contemporary Spanish women poets: Rosalía de Castro, Ernestina de Champourcín, Concha Zardoya, Carmen Conde, Gloria Fuertes, María Victoria Atencia, among others. (Offered occasionally) (Madrid)

SPAN 5780 - Contemporary Spanish Women Writers

2-3 Credits

This course introduces the student to the study of the narrative written by contemporary Spanish women authors. There will be a specific study, through selected texts, of the most representative movements and tendencies of the post-war narrative and of the various means chosen by the authors to express their literary universe from their condition as women. (Offered occasionally) (Madrid)

SPAN 5820 - Medieval Short Stories: Power, Wisdom and Fantasy in Tales

3 Credits

In this course we explore the worldviews and lessons about human experience conveyed by Spanish medieval short narratives and fairy tales. Basic topics are: differences between medieval and contemporary stories; cultural and ideological functions of a tale; the interplay of different cultures; gender roles; and the popularity of certain motifs. (STL)

SPAN 5830 - Spanish Medieval Masterpieces

3 Credits

Close reading and discussion of three medieval Spanish masterpieces, which have remained modern throughout the ages. Insight into social, historical, literary, and creative issues. (STL)

SPAN 5920 - Research Paper/Project

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 5930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 5960 - Project Guidance

1-3 Credits (Repeatable up to 3 credits)

SPAN 5970 - Research Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPAN 5980 - Graduate Reading Course

1-3 Credits