Department of Marketing
Mark J. Arnold, Ph.D.
Saint Louis University’s Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business is committed to providing a world-class marketing education, with an emphasis on preparing each SLU student to compete effectively and face the challenges of a global marketplace.
Marketing is a core function for organizations and businesses of all sizes. Marketing focuses first and foremost on customers—understanding them, attracting them and maintaining their loyalty. In this way, marketing undertakes the management of demand.
Chaifetz School faculty focus on innovative teaching methods that include personal attention to students and assisting with developing internship opportunities. This emphasis provides practical, real-world training that prepares graduates to excel in today’s business world.
Mark Arnold, Ph.D.
Brett Boyle, Ph.D.
Brad Carlson, Ph.D.
James Fisher, Ph.D.
Andrew Kaikati, Ph.D.
Katie Kelting, Ph.D.
Jill Politte, MBA
Scott Thompson, Ph.D.
MKT 2930 - Special Topics
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 2980 - Independent Study
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Permission of the department chair.
MKT 3000 - Introduction to Marketing Management
3 Credits
Introduction to the concept of marketing and its application to domestic and foreign markets; consumer, producer, institutional and service markets; analysis of marketing mix, including product, price, promotion/advertising and distribution policies; and an overview of career opportunities in the marketing field.
Prerequisite(s): Minimum Earned Credits of 30
Attributes: Business Common Body Knowledge
MKT 3300 - Marketing Channels and Distribution
3 Credits
Institutional structures and distribution processes viewed as a subsystem of marketing strategy; channel structure, promotion, pricing, product assortment considerations, and physical logistics to achieve channel policies; and social, governmental, economic and competitive aspects affecting channels.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
MKT 3400 - Integrated Marketing Communications
3 Credits
Advertising efforts, public relations efforts, and coordinating and integrating promotional strategy efforts; situation analysis; determination of objectives and budgets; media strategies; sales promotion and public relations.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 3500 - Sports Marketing
3 Credits
The content of this course focuses on three aspects of sports marketing: (1) the use of sports as a marketing tool for other products; (2) the marketing of sports properties; and (3) the emerging issues relevant for both marketing through and the marketing of sports. The first component addresses the various domains of the sports marketing environment and traditional sponsorship. The second focuses on the marketing of professional and amateur sports, the marketing of participation-oriented sports, and the marketing of a broad array of sports-related products such as sporting goods and apparel. The third addresses the impact of relationship marketing, technology and controversial issues within the sports marketing industry.
Prerequisite(s): (MKT 3000 or MGT 3400)
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective, Sports Businss Major Requiremt, Sports Businss Minor Requiremt
MKT 3600 - Marketing Research
3 Credits
Problem-solving in marketing through assimilation and interpretation of information; secondary sources and techniques of surveying and experimentation examined; and statistical tools applied to research design and interpretation.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Entreprnrshp Major Breadth Req, Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 3700 - Social Media and Digital Marketing
3 Credits
This course focuses on digital, social, and mobile marketing applications. Topics include: Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Online Advertising, Web Analytics, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Reputation Management.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 3930 - Special Topics
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 3980 - Independent Study
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Permission of the department chair.
MKT 4300 - Retail Management
3 Credits
Retailing operations within the marketing systems; the management, organization, and control of retail establishments; and retail buying practices, pricing, control of inventories, personnel publicity, advertising, and store location.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4400 - Consumer Behavior
3 Credits
Concepts and theories explaining the cognitive, behavioral and experimental aspects of individual and group purchasing of goods and services; analysis of a broad range of purchase and consumption situations; development of appropriate target market strategies.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Requirement, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4440 - Personal Selling
3 Credits
The course content revolves around the personal selling process. Role playing and sales presentations are used to improve oral communication skills, enhance self-confidence and hone selling skills. Persuasive writing skills are also practiced.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Entreprnrshp Major Breadth Req, Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4450 - Sales Management
3 Credits
Environment of sales management; forecasting sales; budgeting; structuring a sales force; selecting, training, compensating salespeople; motivating and evaluating salespeople; and the personal selling process.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4550 - International Marketing
3 Credits
Environmental systems approach, examining socio-cultural aspects and the economic and political infrastructure of foreign markets; analysis of multiple modes of market entry and market segmentation; and marketing strategy development appropriate to various sizes and types of companies in the U.S. and abroad.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Int Bus Major Breadth Elective, Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4600 - Brand Management
3 Credits
This course will focus on understanding, building, measuring, and managing the essence of brand power: brand equity. Starting with an overview of brands and branding decisions, the course will highlight the content and context of brand management before proceeding to strategies for building brand equity, measuring brand equity using financial/marketing/customer measures and managing brand equity over time and across geographical boundaries.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4650 - Marketing Analytics
3 Credits
A quantitative approach to effective marketing decision making; includes decision models relating to segmentation, positioning, new product design models, as well as advertising and promotion; also covers pricing models and the implications of marketing decisions to costs, revenue, and profits.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Attributes: Business Analytics Minor Elec, BTM Major Standard Elective, BTM Major AES Elective, Marketing Major Requirement, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4900 - Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
Capstone marketing course, to be taken in the final semester of study using case approach; emphasis on strategic and executional issues connected with marketing policy; examines managing marketing mix decisions with special attention given to communication (personal and mass), price practices, channels of distribution and product policy.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000; Minimum Earned Credits of 90
Attributes: Marketing Major Requirement, Marketing Minor Elective
MKT 4910 - Marketing Internship
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course can be used as elective credit or as major credit. Participants will have the opportunity to develop new skills through experiential learning under the direction of a skilled practitioner. The arrangements for the working relationship must be established prior to the assignment.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
Enrollment limited to students with a classification of Junior or Senior.
Attributes: Marketing Major Elective, Marketing Minor Elective, UUC:Reflection-in-Action
MKT 4930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Prerequisite: MKT-3000.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000
MKT 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Marketing
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Permission of the department chair.
MKT 5930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Marketing
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 6000 - Marketing Management
3 Credits
An induction to the fundamentals of marketing management. Marketing problem solving and decision making to formulate programs. Emphasis on marketing management process includes: situation assessment, strategy formulation, planning and implementation.
Attributes: MBA Breadth
MKT 6100 - Sales Management
3 Credits
This is an online course which introduces the student to the many complex issues faced by the individual who manages the direct selling function of the firm. Topics include, but not confined to, salesforce recruitment, deployment, compensation, evaluation, and motivation. Prior to these managerial topics, the student will be provided with an overview of the selling process itself. The use of in-class case discussions is intended to enhance the applicability of course themes, and foster a dynamic classroom environment.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 6000 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6150 - New Product Management
3 Credits
Prerequisite(s): MKT-6000.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 6000 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6200 - Consumer Analysis and Buyer Behavior
3 Credits
Theoretical foundations of consumer behavior with specific attention to aspects of cognition, affect (emotion) and behavior. Practical applications of theory as a basis for marketing action in domestic and global marketing.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 6000 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6310 - Strategic Brand Management
3 Credits
Strategic Brand Management is designed to introduce students to the practical applications of brand management. This course focuses on methods and practices of managing brands and emphasizes the research and analytics surrounding contemporary brand management. The case-study method will be used extensively within this course. Case studies provide students with complex, multifaceted marketing problems that require perceptive analyses and call for concrete decisions and marketing actions. This approach, with its emphasis on real-life situations that can and do surround the practice of marketing, is best suited to developing the skills necessary to manage the new product development process.
MKT 6350 - Consumer Insight and Brand Strategy
3 Credits
The focus of this course is how to develop consumer insight, turn that insight into intelligence, and then apply it to creative brand strategy. Based on the long-standing discipline in the advertising industry originally known as "account planning," which today is the core model for planning and executing brand and advertising strategy, this course introduces students to the wide range of tools for discovering intelligence about the consumer and then how to use that intelligence in building strategies that keep brands relevant for the long-term. Students learn what it is like to be a brand strategist by studying in-depth one or more brands throughout the semester and producing a creative brand brief.
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6400 - Social Media and Digital Marketing
3 Credits
Provides a coverage of the transition from the old paradigm of mass marketing to the new paradigm of social media and digital marketing with a focus on a “market of one.” This course highlights the transition from push marketing to permission marketing and from fixed pricing to pricing set by customers, all with a global reach never before seen. Course topics include database foundations, online branding, video marketing, customer acquisition techniques, display advertising, email marketing, search marketing, social media marketing, lead generation, retention marketing, maintaining effective web sites, measuring and evaluating web marketing programs, social and regulatory issues, mobile marketing.
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6410 - SEO and Content Marketing Strategy
3 Credits
When a person types in a search for a product or service, the results will display paid advertisement and unpaid search results, the latter known as organic search. Unpaid organic search is one of the top traffic producers for websites and one of the fastest growing areas of new customer acquisition. This course examines the strategic use of search engine optimization (SEO) in marketing. The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of SEO as well as provide practice with analysis and skills associated with doing SEO for a business or organization. A comprehensive SEO simulation will be used.
MKT 6500 - Sports Marketing
3 Credits
This course provides students the opportunity to study the nature and scope of marketing sports properties (e.g., teams, events, associations) as well as marketing traditional products or services with sports as a promotional tool. In essence, we study both the marketing of sports, as well as the marketing of products through sports. The course places a heavy emphasis on the case study method, student group work, and guest speakers from the sports industry.
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6600 - Marketing Analytics
3 Credits
This course provides a quantitative approach to effective marketing decision making. Course topics include data analytics relating to segmentation, positioning, new products, and advertising and promotion. Emphasis given to pricing and the implications of marketing analytics in making decisions regarding costs, revenue, and profits.
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6650 - Brand Management in the Digital Age
3 Credits
This course will focus on how brand management can work productively in the information intensive digital era. It will examine how brand equity is defined today, and how brand managers can use an array of tools--some traditional, but most new--to achieve a range of marketing objectives. Offered every year.
Prerequisite(s): MKT 6000 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6820 - Seminar in Marketing Theory
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course covers the basics of theory development, validation, and communication for business school PhD students. Along the way, we discuss issues in the philosophy of science. The course is also designed to provide familiarity with the major journals in the discipline and the nature of scholarly articles.
MKT 6830 - Seminar in International/Global Marketing Theory
3 Credits
A seminar of readings and discussion based on the academic literature of the field. Survey of current theory and knowledge about components of global marketing strategies. Training in the techniques of research about markets, companies, and consumers.
MKT 6840 - Seminar in Consumer Behavior
3 Credits
Doctoral seminar focusing on the substantive and methodological issues concerning psychological and socio-cultural aspects of consumer research. Selected topics include information processing, attitude formation, perception, decision making, persuasion, motivation, emotion and effect, consumption signs and symbols, post-modern perspectives on consumer research.
MKT 6920 - Comprehensive Exams
0 Credits
Comprehensive Exams.
MKT 6930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Attributes: MBA Marketing Conc
MKT 6950 - Special Study for Examinations
0 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 6970 - Advanced Research Topics in Marketing
0-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 6980 - Graduate Independent Study in Marketing
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
MKT 6990 - Dissertation Research
0-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)