Medical Information Management (MIM)
MIM 0100 - Introduction to Medical Information Management
1-3 Credits
The Medical Information Management (MIM 0100) course provides first year medical students a framework for understanding the organization of medical information resources and their use in solving health care problems. The Medical Center Library (MCL) reference librarians have designed this self-directed online course for first year medical students to develop skills for accessing clinical research literature that will directly inform their practice of medicine in an evidence-based manner. With the explosion of biomedical and clinical research information available, it is important that clinicians learn to efficiently use tools to find and manage this information. The skilled use of these tools is essential to the practice of evidence-based medicine (EBM), by keeping current with the latest clinical guidelines and research that will help enhance the quality of patient care.
MIM 0301 - Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Information Skills for Clerkships
1-2 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
The Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Information Skills for Clerkships course is an online course required for all third year medical students as they start clinical clerkship. Once students are registered for the course on OASIS, they will have access to Blackboard Learn where the course is administered. Blackboard may be accessed through MySLU under the tag “Tool.” A link to the course will appear under the MyCourses panel. The course will provide students the opportunity to further solidify their knowledge on the current practice of EBM. The course is designed to strengthen information skills and enhance students’ ability to access the most current and highest-evidence-level clinical studies. At the end of the course, students will be better equipped to meet the 7th of the Core Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) for medical students before graduation, outlined in the Association of American Medical Colleges 2014 report.
MIM 0403 - Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Information Skills for Residency
2-12 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
The course is Web-based and administered on the Blackboard Learn system. It is designed to enhance fourth year medical students’ Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) information skills for the effective evidence-based clinical practice. The main purpose of the course is to increase students’ familiarity with the practice of EBM by solidifying students’ EBM competency as they refine their EBM literature searching skills and determine the validity of a clinical research and its applicability to their clinical practice and clinical decisions. The coursework starts with pre-course assignments (a test and EBM practice assignment), followed by in-depth readings on topics in advanced EBM, hierarchy of evidence levels and types of study, and literature research applied to EBM. A set of a test and a variety of exercises follow. Emphases will be given to effective EBM literature search techniques to locate the best information focused to answer a clinical question. The EBM information skills acquired through this course will help students to meet one of the 13 Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) outlined in the AAMC Report published on May 2014. Specifically, students will be better equipped to meet the 7th of the Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency. A solid foundation of the EBM information skills will also help students as a housestaff resident to meet the core competencies required by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Students’ SLU email ( is the way used for communication, including Blackboard announcements and emails. Students registered to the course are expected to regularly check their emails.