Theatre (THR)
THR 1000 - Approaching the Arts: Theatre
3 Credits
Objectives: 1. To examine some public impressions of the role of the arts in American society; 2. To demonstrate to students, through lecture and discussion, some of the key features of a play in performance which critics, fans, and theatre artists have sought in contemporary productions; 3. To introduce some of the students to the standard tasks and procedures brought to hear in play productions; 4.To apply all of these studies to the appreciation of plays by viewing several live productions during the semester. Satisfies the Arts and Science Core Requirement for non-majors.
Attributes: Fine Arts Requirement (CAS)
THR 1010 - Introduction to Performing Arts
3 Credits
The goal of this course is to introduce students to the world of the performing arts in Western culture. After a set of synthetic historical and theoretical lectures, the course will focus on single works inspired by the same subject, chosen within the main repertoire of each discipline (drama, opera, ballet, concert music, musical theatre).This will allow the students to appreciate how the same ideas can be treated differently according to the artistic medium to which they are adapted.
Attributes: Dance Related Area
THR 1500 - Introduction to Theatre
3 Credits
An introduction to the process of making theatre. Students will work on producing theatre and discuss aesthetic and practical considerations in theatre production. Satisfies the Arts and Science Core Requirement for non-majors.
Attributes: Fine Arts Requirement (CAS), UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture
THR 1930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 1980 - Independent Study
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 2200 - Survey of Theatre Design
3 Credits
The Survey of Theatre Design will explore how theatre designers conceptualize the world of a play. The class is intended for the student of theatre who desires a general introduction to costume design, scenic design, lighting design, sound design and projection design.
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation
THR 2300 - Global East Asian Performance
3 Credits
This course examines modern and contemporary theatre and performance in East Asia from a transnational perspective. Through the analysis of plays, production videos, and scholarly writing, we will cover notable playwrights and directors, intercultural experiments and their cultural politics, the contested binary of tradition and modernity, and the recent development of musicals in East Asia. No prior knowledge of East Asian languages is required. All course materials are in English translation.
Attributes: Asian Studies Elective, Cultural Diversity, Fine Arts Requirement (CAS), Film & Media - Critical Study, Film & Media Studies Elective, Global Citizenship (CAS), International Studies-Arts, International Studies-Asia, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Global Interdependence
THR 2500 - Costume Construction
3 Credits
Objective: To give students an understanding of the importance of effective stage costuming both for the actor's performance and the audience's perception of the play. Topics include pattern drafting, draping, and sewing costumes for the stage.
Attributes: Dance Related Area, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Creative Expression
THR 2510 - Acting I: Fundamentals
3 Credits
Study in the principal theories of realistic acting is balanced with practice in experiencing character creation. Principals of physical and emotional character development are explored. Satisfies the Arts and Science Core Requirement for non-majors.
Attributes: Dance Related Area, Fine Arts Requirement (CAS), Film Studies Creation, Film & Media - Creation, UUC:Creative Expression
THR 2515 - History of Theatre and Dance
3 Credits
This course demonstrates to the students, through readings, videos, lectures, and discussions, how characteristics of theatre and dance production, playwriting, and choreography have been influenced by the philosophy, politics, and technology associated with their respective eras and diverse cultural environments.
THR 2520 - Introduction to Technical Production
0 or 3 Credits
This course introduces students to basic organizational structures pertinent to producing theatre, basic backstage operations and procedures, and the safe operation of tools used in the construction of production elements.
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 2530 - Acting II: Rehearsal & Performance
3 Credits
An intermediate acting course designed to teach the protocol of collaboration in rehearsal and performance. Emphasis will be given to text analysis and rehearsal techniques to assist in believable character development.
Attributes: Fine Arts Requirement (CAS), Film & Media - Creation, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Creative Expression
THR 2540 - Voice & Diction
3 Credits
Objectives:1. To teach the value of freeing the natural voice; 2. To guide students through activities in which they release vocal sound freely from the trunk of the body; 3. To identify for individual students any prior speaking habits which limit the students ability for sincere and effective passionate expression through speech. Activities include in-class performance and accompanying critique.
Attributes: Film Studies Creation, Film & Media - Creation, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Creative Expression
THR 2560 - Movement for the Theatre
3 Credits
A practicum in stage movement for those with an interest in acting. Studio sessions will incorporate exercises which stress/correct use of the anatomical components of human movement. Emphasis will be given to individual movement awareness, movement variations for characterization and physical spontaneity.
Attributes: Dance Related Area, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Creative Expression
THR 2580 - Make-Up for the Stage
3 Credits
This course teaches essential skills in the application of stage makeup for corrective purposes and the use of makeup and prosthetics to enhance characterization for the actor. Activities include in-class projects.
Attributes: Dance Related Area, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 2610 - Theatre Management
3 Credits
Theatre Management is a course designed to introduce theatre students to the practice, realm and study of Theatre Management. Topics include: strategic planning, marketing/public relations, arts law, financial management, development (fund raising), operations/facility management and personnel.
THR 2700 - Exploring U.S. Diversity in Theatre
3 Credits
Examines cultural diversity in the U.S. through the lens of theatre as a tool to educate and enlighten. Topics may include race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, prejudice, and /or discrimination as depicted in dramatic literature and stage productions.
Attributes: Fine Arts Requirement (CAS), Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective, UUC:Aesthetics, Hist & Culture, UUC:Identities in Context, Diversity in the US (A&S)
THR 2930 - Special Topics
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 2980 - Independent Study in Theatre
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 3500 - Playscript Analysis
3 Credits
Objectives: 1. To introduce students to play-reading as an act of imagining a theatrical performance; 2. To introduce the students to some fundamental concepts of Dramatic Theory with reference to certain significant plays in the Dramatic canon; 3. To give students an understanding of some aspects of contemporary playwriting aesthetics; 4. To provide students with interpretive/analytical skills which enable them to explain the performance demands implicit in certain playscripts. Activities include critical writing by students at a scholarly level.
Prerequisite(s): THR 1500
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation
THR 3510 - Musical Theatre Performance
3 Credits
Objectives: 1. To give students an overview of the history of Musical Theatre Genre; 2. To guide students in performance exercises in Musical Theatre; 3. To instruct students in acting techniques that can be used in performance of vocal music. Activities may include in-class performances in an audition format and/or longer cuttings from Musical Plays.
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3520 - Advanced Acting: Auditioning
3 Credits
This course is designed to assist in the selection of audition material, increase awareness of hiring practices in the performing arts, and prepare a marketable audition repertoire.
Prerequisite(s): THR 2510; THR 2530; THR 2540
Attributes: Film Studies, Film & Media - Creation, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3545 - Lighting and Sound Design
3 Credits
This course will combine the design elements, essential concepts, and practical considerations of lighting and sound in theatre: Which will include textural analysis, research methods, renderings and draftings, and how to communicate and collaborate with the design team including directors and actors.
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation
THR 3550 - Theatre Practicum
0 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Faculty guided experience in University Theatre Productions. Pass/Fail only.
Enrollment is limited to students with a program in Theatre.
THR 3555 - Theatre Workshop
1 Credit (Repeatable up to 8 credits)
Directed participation in University theatre or dance production as actors, crew, technicians, stage mangers, designers, etc. Audition and/or interviews may be required to determine a student's specific assignments. Students collaborate with faculty in rehearsals and technical productions over the course of the semester. Productions result in public performances. All levels of experience are welcome.
Students in the Schl for Professional Studies college may not enroll.
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3560 - Advanced Theatre Workshop
2 Credits (Repeatable up to 16 credits)
Directed participation in University theatre and/or dance production(s), as actors, crew, technicians, stage managers, designers, etc. Auditions and/or interviews may be required to determine a student’s specific assignments. Students collaborate with faculty in rehearsals and technical productions over the course of the semester. Students accomplish extensive study of the theatrical process via more than one production assignment and/or in-depth research. Productions result in public performances. All levels of experience are welcome. Required of Theatre Majors and Minors.
Attributes: UUC:Creative Expression
THR 3600 - Career Preparation
3 Credits
This course is primarily an overview of the American Professional Theatre for theatre majors. The course explores theatre's various professional organizations and operational paradigms and serves as an opportunity to integrate previous knowledge and tailor individual theatre related goals through resume and portfolio preparation.
Students in the Saint Louis University Madrid or Schl for Professional Studies colleges may not enroll.
Attributes: Theater Minor Elective
THR 3610 - Theatre Management Advanced Studies
3 Credits
Theatre Management is a course designed to introduce theatre students to the practice, realm and study of Theatre Management. Topics include: strategic planning, marketing/public relations, arts law, financial management, development (fund raising), operations/facility management and personnel. For students taking the 3000-level Advanced Studies, the course culminates with the creation of an arts organization model.
Prerequisite(s): THR 1500
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3620 - Stage Management
3 Credits
An introduction to the role and function of the stage manager in the theatre production process.
Prerequisite(s): THR 1500
Attributes: Dance Related Area, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3700 - Directing I: Theories & Method
3 Credits
This course intends to provide the beginning directing student the fundamentals of the art. Upon completion students will have a firm grasp on the duties of a director. Students will also have a basic knowledge of staging for different theatres.
Prerequisite(s): THR 3500*
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation, Theater Minor Elective
THR 3910 - Internship
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action
THR 3930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 3980 - Independent Study in Theatre
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 4505 - Costume and Scene Design
3 Credits
The course will examine the elements and principles of costume and scenic design. Which will include textural analysis, research methods, renderings and draftings, and how to communicate and collaborate with the design team including directors and actors. Equivalent to THR 4500 and THR 4530 and therefore may be taken only once for earned credit under these numbers or 4505.
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 4515 - History of Theatre and Dance Advanced Studies
3 Credits
This course demonstrates to the students, through readings, videos, lectures, and discussions, how characteristics of theatre and dance production, playwriting, and choreography have been influenced by the philosophy, politics, and technology associated with their respective eras and diverse cultural environments. For students taking the 4000-level Advanced Studies, the course culminates in an academic research paper.
THR 4570 - Advanced Acting: Scene Study
3 Credits (Repeatable up to 9 credits)
This course will provide introductory knowledge of the basic acting theories espoused since the late 1800's. Application of that knowledge will be given to scene work and/or monologue preparation.
Prerequisite(s): THR 2510; THR 2530
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 4590 - Advanced Acting: Period Styles
3 Credits
This is an advanced acting course introducing the values and mores of select historical periods and performance styles with the intention of applying that knowledge to characterization.
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 4620 - Advanced Acting for the Camera
3 Credits
This course is structured around various topics which introduce advanced level students to particular performance techniques involved in acting for television and film.
Prerequisite(s): THR 2510
Attributes: Film & Media - Creation, Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 4700 - Directing II
3 Credits
Upon on completion, students will begin to develop their own approach to directing for the stage. As they begin to find their own process they will focus on composition, pacing, and text analysis. Students will be able to critically evaluate their work and progress in the field.
Prerequisite(s): THR 3700
Attributes: Theater Major Elective, Theater Minor Elective
THR 4910 - Professional Internship
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Faculty approved assignment with a Professional Theatre Company or Video Production Studio.
Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Theatre.
Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action
THR 4930 - Special Topics
1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
THR 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Theatre
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)