Mathematics, B.S. (Harris-Stowe State University) and Mechanical Engineering, B.S. Dual Degree

The Mathematics, B.S. and Mechanical Engineering, B.S Dual Degree program will allow qualified students the opportunity to earn two bachelor's degrees, one at Harris-Stowe State University (HSSU) and one at Saint Louis University (SLU). Students will start their programs at HSSU, then take courses at both institutions before earning a bachelor's at HSSU, and then their second bachelor's at SLU.

For additional information, see the catalog entries for the following SLU programs:

Harris-Stowe State University Mathematics, B.S.

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.

Student Requirements

Students must complete Calculus I with a grade of C or better at HSSU prior to enrolling in courses at SLU. HSSU must apply to this program through the HSSU dual enrollment process. 

After successfully completing any prerequisite courses, HSSU students may enroll in SLU courses as visiting inter-university students prior to applying to SLU as degree-seeking students.

Students should apply to SLU as degree-seeking students after completing a minimum of 90 credits of the bachelor's degree at HSSU (including any inter-university courses at SLU). Students will apply to SLU through the standard admission procedures. Students with a HSSU grade point average of 2.70 or higher will be guaranteed admission into SLU. SLU will waive all application fees and not require a tuition deposit. 

Transfer Credit

All courses with a grade of C or higher, and their associated credits, outlined in the approved roadmap accepted toward the bachelor's degree at HSSU will be accepted toward the bachelor's degree at SLU. 

All courses outside the program plan will be articulated through standard procedures at SLU. 

Non-Course Requirements

All Science and Engineering B.A. and B.S. students must complete an exit interview/survey near the end of their bachelor's program. 

Harris Stowe State University, Mathematics, B.S. 

Transfer Course Transfer Course Title Transfer Course Credits Equivalent SLU Course Equivalent SLU Credits
Year One, Fall
MATH 0135 College Algebra (1st 8 weeks) 3 MATH 1200 College Algebra 3
MATH 0140 Trigonometry (2nd 8 weeks)* 3 MATH 1400 Pre-Calculus 3
HSSU 0100 Seminar in Higher Education 1 UNIV 1ELE 1
ENG 0110I English Comp. I 3 ENGL 1500 The Process of Composition 3
POSC 0200 American Government Survey* 3 POLS 1100 Introduction to American Government 3
HIST 0143 or HIST 0144 United States History 1 or 2* 3 HIST 1600 History of the United States to 1865 or HIST 1610 History of the United States since 1865 3
Year One, Spring
MATH 0170 Calculus I* 5 MATH 1510 Calculus I 5
MATH 0190 Problem Solving Seminar 1 MATH 2690 Mathematical Problem Solving 1
MUS 0206 Basic Music* 3 MUSC 1000 Approaching the Arts: Music 3
ENG 0110II English Comp. II* 3 ENGL 1900 Strategies of Rhetoric and Research 3
CSC 0160 Introduction to Computing 3 CSCI 1ELE Introduction to Computing 3
Year Two, Fall
MATH 0241 Calculus II* 5 MATH 1520 Calculus II 5
PHY 0253 Physics 3 PHYS 1610 University Physics I 3
PHY 0252 Physics Lab 2 PHYS 1620 University Physics I Laboratory 2
MATH 0250 Data Analysis and Statistics* 3 STAT 1100 Introduction to Statistics 3
LANG 0100 Basic Conversational Foreign Language 1 MLNG 1ELE Basic Conversational Foreign Language 1
MATH 0255 Intro Statistics Lab 1 MATH 1ELE Intro Statistics Lab 1
Year Two, Spring
MATH 0242 Calculus III* 5 MATH 2530 Calculus III 5
MATH 0201 Discrete Math I 3 MATH 1660 Discrete Mathematics 3
SPCH 0109 Intro to Public Speaking* 3 CMM 1200 Public Speaking 3
GEOG 0200 Principles of Geography* 3 SOC 1180 World Geography 3
Year Three, Fall
MATH 0356 Linear Algebra I 3 MATH 3110 Linear Algebra for Engineers 3
MATH 03XX/04XX Upper-level Math course 3 Elective 3
CHEM 0255 Chemistry Lecture* 3 CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I 3
CHEM 0256 Chemistry Lab 2 CHEM 1115 General Chemistry I Lab 2
HIST 0213 or HIST 0214 World History 1 or 2* 3 HIST 1110 Origins of the Modern World to 1500 or HIST 1120 Origins of the Modern World 1500 to Present 3
Year Three, Spring
MATH 0320 Modern Algebra 3 MATH 4110 Intro to Abstract Algebra 3
MATH 0361 Diff. Equations 3 MATH 3550 Differential Equations 3
MATH 03XX/MATH 04XX Upper-level Math course 3 Elective 3
MATH 0205 Intro to MATLAB 2 MATH 2ELE Intro to Matlab 2
PHIL 0101 or PHIL 0102 Philosophy or Ethics* 3 PHIL 1050 Introduction to Philosophy: Self and Reality or PHIL 2050 Ethics 3

HSSU course that meets SLU Undergraduate University Core attribute

Mechanical Engineering, B.S.

Plan of Study Grid
Year Three
SE 1700
SE 1701
Engineering Fundamentals
and Engineering Fundamentals Studio
MENG 1000 Design Thinking 3
Year Four
MENG 1011 Prototyping 1
CORE 1500 Cura Personalis 1: Self in Community 1
PHYS 1630
PHYS 1640
University Physics II
and University Physics II Laboratory
MENG 2100X Statics 3
CORE 1600 Ultimate Questions: Theology 3
ECE 1100 Electrical Engineering 101 2
ECE 1200 Computer Engineering 101 2
CORE 2500 Cura Personalis 2: Self in Contemplation 0
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
CSCI 1060 Introduction to Computer Science: Scientific Programming 3
MENG 2150 Dynamics 3
MENG 2310 Thermodynamics 3
MENG 3105 Mechanics of Solids 3
Year Five
MENG 3110 Linear Vibrations 3
MENG 3111 Mechanics Laboratory 1
MENG 3200 Fluid Dynamics 3
MENG 2400 Mechatronics Systems Design 3
MENG 2450 Engineering Experimentation 3
Tech Elective 3
MENG 3010 Machine Design 3
MENG 3510X Materials Science 3
MENG 3600 Manufacturing Process 3
MENG 4300 Heat Transfer 3
CORE 3500 Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World 1
Tech Elective 3
Year Six
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 3
MENG 4304 Thermal Systems Design 3
MENG 4450 Programmable Logic Controllers and Robotics 3
CORE Eloquentia Perfecta 4: Writing Intensive 3
CORE 4500 Reflection-in-Action 0
CORE 4000 Collaborative Inquiry 3
MENG 4024 Mechanical Systems Design 3
MENG 3001 Mechanical Engineering Lab 1
Tech Electives 6
 Total Credits94

Potential courses to reverse transfer to HSSU to complete the Mathematics, B.S.