Eloquentia Perfecta: Oral & Visual Communication

CHIN 3000Oral and Visual Communication in Chinese3
CMM 1200Public Speaking3
CMM 1210Advocacy3
CMM 1220Visual Rhetoric3
CMM 1230Speaking for the Health Professions3
CMM 1250Communicating in Groups and Teams3
CORE 1200Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication3
CORE 1230The Art of Creative Design3
FREN 3010Discovering the French-Speaking World3
GR 3020Communicating in Spoken German: Contemporary Issues3
HIST 1200Communicating About History3
LLC 1250Speaking in (Inter)Cultural Context3
LLC 1255Modern Languages and Intercultural Competence3
RUSS 3010Communicating in Russian: The Arts3
SPAN 3020Eloquent Communication in Spanish3