CHIN 3000 | Oral and Visual Communication in Chinese | 3 |
CMM 1200 | Public Speaking | 3 |
CMM 1210 | Advocacy | 3 |
CMM 1220 | Visual Rhetoric | 3 |
CMM 1230 | Speaking for the Health Professions | 3 |
CMM 1250 | Communicating in Groups and Teams | 3 |
CORE 1200 | Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication | 3 |
CORE 1230 | The Art of Creative Design | 3 |
FREN 3010 | Discovering the French-Speaking World | 3 |
GR 3020 | Communicating in Spoken German: Contemporary Issues | 3 |
HIST 1200 | Communicating About History | 3 |
LLC 1250 | Speaking in (Inter)Cultural Context | 3 |
LLC 1255 | Modern Languages and Intercultural Competence | 3 |
RUSS 3010 | Communicating in Russian: The Arts | 3 |
SPAN 3020 | Eloquent Communication in Spanish | 3 |