Equity and Global Identities: Dignity, Ethics, and a Just Society

AAM 2570Race, Gender, and Health Care3
AAM 2570XRace, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care3
AAM 3300XAfrican American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
ABA 4100A Behavioral View of Racism as it Relates to Systems in the United States3
ANTH 2470Medical Anthropology3
ANTH 2510Asylum: Sanctuary in a Bordered World3
ANTH 3290Native Peoples of North America3
ASTD 2110U.S. Ethnic Studies3
ASTD 2650American Metropolis: Place, Policy, & Power in the US City, 1945–Present3
ASTD 2700Gender, Race, and Social Justice3
ASTD 2750Stuff: American Consumer Culture in a Capitalist World3
BME 2200Applied Physiology for Engineers3
CATH 3760XThe Politics of Pope Francis3
CCJ 2050Multiculturalism for Criminal Justice Professionals3
CCJ 2100Multiculturalism for the Workplace3
CMM 4820Community-based Inquiry3
CSCI 3050Computer Ethics3
CVNG 3040Sustainability and Environmental Engineering3
EDUC 1300Exceptional Learners3
EMGT 1500Fundamentals of Emergency Management3
ENGL 2250Conflict, Social Justice and Literature3
ENGL 3240Reading the Female Bildungsroman3
ENGL 3500Literature of the Postcolonial World3
ENGL 3520African American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
HCE 2010Foundations in Clinical Health Care Ethics3
HCE 2070Health Care Across Difference3
HCE 2090Bioethics in an Interdisciplinary Perspective3
HCE 3010Ethics in Clinical Medicine3
HCE 3030Disability Studies: Medicine, Ethics, and Policy3
HCE 3060Plague Ethics: from the Black Death to COVID-193
HCE 3200Freaks and the Medical Body3
HCE 3230XRace, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care3
HCE 3240Bioethics after Auschwitz3
HCE 3250God in the Clinic? Exploring the Tension Between Spirituality and Health Care3
HCE 4210Controversies in Death and Dying3
HCE 4220Controversies in Reproductive and Pediatric Ethics3
HCE 4240Ethics and Geriatric Care3
HCE 4260Race and Research Ethics3
HCE 4270Controversies in Organ Donation3
HCE 4520Ethics and Practice of Community Mental Health Care3
HIST 3340The Spanish Civil War3
HR 2800Honors Seminar: Our Common Home3
IPE 4200Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice3
NURS 3447Public Health Nursing for RNs4
NURS 4814Ethics in Nursing and Health Care2,3
ORES 2320Interprofessional Health Outcomes Research2
PHIL 2050Ethics3
PHIL 2055Ethics, Justice, & the Person3
PHIL 3050XComputer Ethics3
PHIL 3700Sustainable Happiness3
PHIL 4810Philosophy of Feminism3
PHIL 4825Philosophy & Whiteness3
POLS 1500Introduction to Comparative Politics3
POLS 1510Politics of the Developing World3
POLS 1540Blood and Money: Ethnic War3
POLS 2530Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics3
POLS 2691Theory and Practice of Human Rights3
POLS 2710Theories of Justice3
POLS 3130Civil Liberties and Civil Rights3
POLS 3520Communism, Capitalism and Social Justice3
POLS 3530Comparative Revolutions3
POLS 3567Political Development in Contemporary Spain3
POLS 3720Renaissance and Modern Political Theories3
POLS 3760The Politics of Pope Francis3
POLS 3770Feminist Theory: Gender Justice3
POLS 3850XFeminism in Action3
PUBH 3100Public Health & Social Justice3
RUSS 3340Serfdom and Liberation: Challenging the Legacies of Forced Labor3
SLHS 3000Cultural Linguistic Diversity3
SOC 2490Sociology of Medicine3
SOC 3680Drugs and Society: Legal and Medical Implications of the "War on Drugs"3
SPAN 4150Spanish for the Health Professions3
SWRK 1000Introduction to Social Work3
SWRK 3100Social Policy for Social Justice3
THEO 2515Social Justice3
THEO 3115Biblical Prophets: Voices of Conscience and Social Justice3
WGST 1900Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGST 2200Race, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care3
WGST 2710XTheories of Justice3
WGST 3240XReading the Female Bildungsroman3
WGST 3500XLiterature of the Postcolonial World0,3
WGST 3775Feminist Theory-Gender Justice3
WGST 3775XFeminist Theory: Gender Justice3
WGST 3850Feminism in Action3
WGST 4400Em(body)ing Inequity: Marginalized in the Medical Sciences3
WGST 4810XPhilosophy of Feminism3