AAM 2570 | Race, Gender, and Health Care | 3 |
AAM 2570X | Race, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care | 3 |
AAM 3300X | African American Literary Traditions II: After 1900 | 3 |
ABA 4100 | A Behavioral View of Racism as it Relates to Systems in the United States | 3 |
ANTH 2470 | Medical Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 2510 | Asylum: Sanctuary in a Bordered World | 3 |
ANTH 3290 | Native Peoples of North America | 3 |
ASTD 2110 | U.S. Ethnic Studies | 3 |
ASTD 2650 | American Metropolis: Place, Policy, & Power in the US City, 1945–Present | 3 |
ASTD 2700 | Gender, Race, and Social Justice | 3 |
ASTD 2750 | Stuff: American Consumer Culture in a Capitalist World | 3 |
BME 2200 | Applied Physiology for Engineers | 3 |
CATH 3760X | The Politics of Pope Francis | 3 |
CCJ 2050 | Multiculturalism for Criminal Justice Professionals | 3 |
CCJ 2100 | Multiculturalism for the Workplace | 3 |
CMM 4820 | Community-based Inquiry | 3 |
CSCI 3050 | Computer Ethics | 3 |
CVNG 3040 | Sustainability and Environmental Engineering | 3 |
EDUC 1300 | Exceptional Learners | 3 |
EMGT 1500 | Fundamentals of Emergency Management | 3 |
ENGL 2250 | Conflict, Social Justice and Literature | 3 |
ENGL 3240 | Reading the Female Bildungsroman | 3 |
ENGL 3500 | Literature of the Postcolonial World | 3 |
ENGL 3520 | African American Literary Traditions II: After 1900 | 3 |
HCE 2010 | Foundations in Clinical Health Care Ethics | 3 |
HCE 2070 | Health Care Across Difference | 3 |
HCE 2090 | Bioethics in an Interdisciplinary Perspective | 3 |
HCE 3010 | Ethics in Clinical Medicine | 3 |
HCE 3030 | Disability Studies: Medicine, Ethics, and Policy | 3 |
HCE 3060 | Plague Ethics: from the Black Death to COVID-19 | 3 |
HCE 3200 | Freaks and the Medical Body | 3 |
HCE 3230X | Race, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care | 3 |
HCE 3240 | Bioethics after Auschwitz | 3 |
HCE 3250 | God in the Clinic? Exploring the Tension Between Spirituality and Health Care | 3 |
HCE 4210 | Controversies in Death and Dying | 3 |
HCE 4220 | Controversies in Reproductive and Pediatric Ethics | 3 |
HCE 4240 | Ethics and Geriatric Care | 3 |
HCE 4260 | Race and Research Ethics | 3 |
HCE 4270 | Controversies in Organ Donation | 3 |
HCE 4520 | Ethics and Practice of Community Mental Health Care | 3 |
HIST 3340 | The Spanish Civil War | 3 |
HR 2800 | Honors Seminar: Our Common Home | 3 |
IPE 4200 | Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice | 3 |
NURS 3447 | Public Health Nursing for RNs | 4 |
NURS 4814 | Ethics in Nursing and Health Care | 2,3 |
ORES 2320 | Interprofessional Health Outcomes Research | 2 |
PHIL 2050 | Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 2055 | Ethics, Justice, & the Person | 3 |
PHIL 3050X | Computer Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 3700 | Sustainable Happiness | 3 |
PHIL 4810 | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |
PHIL 4825 | Philosophy & Whiteness | 3 |
POLS 1500 | Introduction to Comparative Politics | 3 |
POLS 1510 | Politics of the Developing World | 3 |
POLS 1540 | Blood and Money: Ethnic War | 3 |
POLS 2530 | Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics | 3 |
POLS 2691 | Theory and Practice of Human Rights | 3 |
POLS 2710 | Theories of Justice | 3 |
POLS 3130 | Civil Liberties and Civil Rights | 3 |
POLS 3520 | Communism, Capitalism and Social Justice | 3 |
POLS 3530 | Comparative Revolutions | 3 |
POLS 3567 | Political Development in Contemporary Spain | 3 |
POLS 3720 | Renaissance and Modern Political Theories | 3 |
POLS 3760 | The Politics of Pope Francis | 3 |
POLS 3770 | Feminist Theory: Gender Justice | 3 |
POLS 3850X | Feminism in Action | 3 |
PUBH 3100 | Public Health & Social Justice | 3 |
RUSS 3340 | Serfdom and Liberation: Challenging the Legacies of Forced Labor | 3 |
SLHS 3000 | Cultural Linguistic Diversity | 3 |
SOC 2490 | Sociology of Medicine | 3 |
SOC 3680 | Drugs and Society: Legal and Medical Implications of the "War on Drugs" | 3 |
SPAN 4150 | Spanish for the Health Professions | 3 |
SWRK 1000 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 |
SWRK 3100 | Social Policy for Social Justice | 3 |
THEO 2515 | Social Justice | 3 |
THEO 3115 | Biblical Prophets: Voices of Conscience and Social Justice | 3 |
WGST 1900 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 3 |
WGST 2200 | Race, Gender, and the Ethics of Health Care | 3 |
WGST 2710X | Theories of Justice | 3 |
WGST 3240X | Reading the Female Bildungsroman | 3 |
WGST 3500X | Literature of the Postcolonial World | 0,3 |
WGST 3775 | Feminist Theory-Gender Justice | 3 |
WGST 3775X | Feminist Theory: Gender Justice | 3 |
WGST 3850 | Feminism in Action | 3 |
WGST 4400 | Em(body)ing Inequity: Marginalized in the Medical Sciences | 3 |
WGST 4810X | Philosophy of Feminism | 3 |