Sociology (SOC)

SOC 1100 - Introduction to Sociology

3 Credits

This introductory course emphasizes fundamental concepts in sociology and their application to contemporary society for the purpose of enhancing the students understanding of the world in which they live.

Attributes: Ignatian Service, Service Learning, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 1110 - Introduction to Sociology: Diversity Emphasis

3 Credits

This course will survey the field of sociology, stressing important ideas, methods, and results, as well as paying particular attention to points of controversy and disagreement among sociologists to develop critical and analytical thinking. As a survey course, topics this semester will include critical inquiry into the sources of group identities, the structures of diversity or inequalities based on race, gender, class, age and life style, as well as the institutions that promote or challenge those inequalities. Students will engage these topics through readings, group discussions and exercises.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 1120 - Introduction to Sociology: Diversity and Health Emphasis

3 Credits

This course surveys the field of sociology, stressing important ideas, methods, and results. It focuses on health and diversity to illustrate the application of sociological ideas and develop analytic thinking skills. The text is supplemented with articles/chapters illustrating topical issues and exercises on the skills of the social sciences.

Attributes: Soc-Health & Medicine, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Identities in Context, Urban Poverty - Health Care, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 1180 - World Geography

3 Credits

This course provides students with a worldwide overview of the relationship between people and place. Emphasis is given to the relationships among physical geography, environment, population, economy and culture.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Foreign Service Elective, Global Citizenship (CAS), International Studies, International Studies-Economy, International Studies-Health, MLIC Elective, Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Global Interdependence, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SOC 1190 - Cultural Geography

3 Credits

This course will familiarize the student with broad themes in cultural geography. Student will begin to think critically about how humans interact with their environments, analyze daily geographies and complete practice based assignments that explore core concepts of cultural geography.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 1480 - The “I” in Internet, the “Me” in Meme: Self, Technology, and Society

3 Credits

You use technology every day, but have you ever considered how technology use affects you, those around you, or society as a whole? This course offers a deep dive into how technology affects our social lives. We will explore how technology affects how we perceive ourselves, how we communicate with others, and how we live, work, and play. We will investigate these issues through sociological theory, cultural commentary, movies, books, and TV shows. And we will consider technology’s promises and perils. Does technology improve our lives or does it destroy our social fabric, and what can we do about it?.

SOC 1500 - The Urban Community: Race, Class, and Spatial Justice

3 Credits

This course will focus on people in racial and ethnic urban neighborhoods in the United States. The course will explore the basic concepts and ideas behind neighborhood, community, race, ethnicity, immigration, ethnic identity, and the spatial hierarchies of cities based on race, ethnic, and class characteristics.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S), Urban Poverty - Applied, Urban Poverty- Introduction, Urban Poverty - General, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 1550 - The Ignatian City: Social Suffering, Urban Marginality, and Social Justice

3 Credits

This course will build on key concepts and themes from the Ignatian Intellectual tradition to study and understand the American City. Ignatius was a pilgrim that traveled throughout his life. Like Ignatius we will travel across American cities to explore the unequal and contradictions of quality-of-life outcomes for different demographic groups. Each theme of our intellectual journal will be anchored by the urban experience of residents of an American City. Like Ignatius we will travel the major cities of the U.S in hopes of one day to become ambassadors to create a Just City – An Ignatian City.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 1930 - Special Topics

2-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 1980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 2000 - Research Methods

3 Credits

Students are introduced to key issues involved in sociological research, the design of research to answer distinct types of questions, the nature and techniques of measurement and the major modes of data collection and analysis.

Prerequisite(s): (SOC 1100, SOC 1110, SOC 1120, ANTH 1200, or ANTH 1210)

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Quantitative Reasoning

SOC 2010 - Statistics and the Social World

3 Credits

In this course, students will gain confidence and competence in understanding the ubiquity of quantitative data, theories, and applications in the social world. By the end of the course, students will understand what statistical techniques are most appropriate to answer a range of basic statistics from various sources including media, educational institutions, and academia. By learning the language of statistics, students learn a language of power. This classes teaches them how to use this language appropriately.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 2080X - Urban Poverty: A Global Perspective

3 Credits

This class examines urban poverty from a global perspective. It takes as its point of departure a fundamental paradox: The globally connected economy has enabled the accumulation of unparalleled wealth, while at the same time, allowing basic human need to persist at a breathtaking scale. Through a range of texts and films, this class will discuss different ways of thinking about what poverty is, how it is experienced, justified and maintained in cities, and by whom. Our class will also consider the efforts of governmental and non-governmental organizations to alleviate poverty. Through a final project, students will engage with course themes in St. Louis through an outreach experience.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Global Citizenship (CAS), Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Global Interdependence, Urban Poverty - Applied, Urban Poverty- Introduction, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SOC 2110 - Sociology of Sport

3 Credits

This course investigates the institution of organized sports from sociological perspectives. It reveals how sports reflect American society and contribute to the social construction of that society. The course examines the culture, socialization, social structure, deviance, discrimination, stratification, economics, and politics as it appears in professional and amateur athletics.

Attributes: Nutrition, Health, Well Elective, Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S), Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 2310 - Live Long and Prosper: Cultural Sociology and Star Trek

3 Credits

This class is an introduction to the way that sociologists study the cultural dimensions of the social world. Our overview of cultural sociology will draw in episodes from the Star Trek franchise. We will survey contemporary sociological approaches to analyzing culture; along the way, we will trace and discuss the way that culture and meanings are produced, disseminated, interpreted and used by social actors. We will investigate how cultural objects are produced in mass media industries, how social boundaries and social hierarchies (such as those based on gender, race and class) are created through the consolidation of cultural categories, and how social practices related to the consumption of cultural objects have become a central facet of life in modern societies. All levels of familiarity, with Star Trek and with cultural sociology are welcome.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Identities in Context, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SOC 2360 - Health Inequalities in the U.S.

1-4 Credits

Why are some people healthy and others not? The U.S. and world manifest great disparities in health and mortality. This course investigates health disparities by class, race, sex, age as well as other related categories.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Social Science Req (A&S), Urban Poverty - Health Care

SOC 2490 - Sociology of Medicine

3 Credits

Sociological interpretation of selected aspects of the field of medicine, including health and illness behaviors, professional socialization, analysis of health organization, political and economic aspects of health care delivery, cross national comparisons of health systems.

Attributes: BHS-Social Sciences, Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SOC 2630 - Religion and Social Sciences: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections on Religion

3 Credits

This course uses classic works in the social sciences as well as contemporary empirical research to discuss the nature and future of religion in the American context. Highlighted are the demographic changes in the distribution of religious identity and their consequences.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci, UUC:Writing Intensive

SOC 2930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

This course is designed for experimental courses or courses of special interest that are approved by the departmental faculty prior to offering. This opportunity may take the form of a visiting faculty member or another program requesting a unique course at the 200 level for a single semester.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 2980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3020 - Qualitative Research

3 Credits

This course introduces the major methodologies and techniques for conducting research into the human condition in its natural context. It includes discussion of the analysis of group behavior, beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, relate to technologies, and generally order their natural world and control their societies.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 2000

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3150X - Anthropological Theory

3 Credits

This course introduces the major theories that inform anthropology. The course investigates a range of topics including issues of agency, subjectivity, history, social change, power, culture, and representation. The course objectives include: the appreciation of history of the anthropological study, anthropological theory, reading literacy in the discipline, and its communication.

Attributes: Global Local Justice-Theory, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3180 - Immigration

3 Credits

Students critically engage themes of urban immigration, citizenship and transnationalism, while developing the skills needed for graduate research. They write a professional quality research proposal for a small fieldwork study and participate in the research seminar by helping to critique each other's proposals.

Attributes: Global Citizenship (CAS), Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S), Urban Poverty - Immigration

SOC 3190 - Predict, Surveil, and Punish: Law and Technology in the Digital Age

3 Credits

You use technology every day. You grew up entertaining yourselves on smartphones and tablets, completing school work on personal computers, and communicating with your peers through social media. But have you ever stopped to consider how all of this technology use affects you, those around you, or society as a whole? This course offers a deep dive into how technology affects our lives, with special attention to how technology use affects responses to crime. We will begin with fundamental concepts regarding how technology affects our identities and work, and then explore how technology affects privacy, law, and inequality. We will investigate these issues through sociological theory, cultural commentary, movies, books, and TV shows. And we will consider technology’s promises and perils. Does technology improve our lives, does it destroy our social fabric, and what can we do about it?.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3220 - Urban Sociology

3 Credits

Sociology of the city and the metropolis. Examines processes of change and resistance to change in the urban community; ethnic and racial groupings; the effects of varying social policies and efforts at urban development. Includes field experience.

Attributes: Global Local Justice-Domestic, Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S), Urban Poverty - Applied, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 3230 - Gender and Society

3 Credits

Examination of the impact of large-scale forces on how gender roles are structured and enacted in our society. Particular attention to be paid to the different experiences of men and women in the labor force, politics, and the family.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Global Local Justice-Domestic, Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3300 - Social Psychology

3 Credits

Processes of social interaction and reciprocal influence which arise in and constitute groups. Central emphases is on self image and communication.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3360 - Racial and Ethnic Relations

3 Credits

This class focuses on how races and ethnic groups in the United States differ in their access to economic, political, and social resources and manage the resulting tensions that arise as a result of such inequalities.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Global Local Justice-Domestic, Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S), Urban Poverty - Cycles Exclusn

SOC 3370 - Violence in America

3 Credits

The course addresses the conditions under which groups argue and fight, sometimes violently. It reviews the social roots of intergroup conflict and violence in America including the rioting that took place in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. It also is a research course. Students will collect information to track the way groups argued and fought in the years leading up to and following two of the more dramatic acts of mass violence ever to occur in America: the New York Draft Riots of 1863 and the 1964 Harlem-Bedford Stuyvesant riots.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3390 - Cultural Anthropology

3 Credits

Exploration and examination of different societies including tribal, rural, and urban. Analysis of cultural systems, their legacies, and their meaning in contemporary contexts. Emphasis on cross-cultural case studies that highlight the impact of larger forces such as globalization, acculturation, migration, and social and political organizations.

Attributes: Cultural Diversity in the EU, IAS - Iberian Studies, International Studies, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3430 - Marriage and the Family

3 Credits

Examination of theories and data on different types of families, role assignments, and definitions, pertaining to various types of societies through space and time. modern aspects of family institutions and problems, with an emphasis on the issue of equality of marriage.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Identities in Context, UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 3490 - Sociology of Mental Health

3 Credits

This course provides an overview of how western society defines and researches mental health, the causes and consequences of mental health problems, and how institutions respond to mental illness. Topics include: perspectives on mental health, stigma, demographics of incidence/prevalence, treatment and institutional responses.

Attributes: BHS-Social Sciences, Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3525 - Elite & White-Collar Deviance

3 Credits

This course will use sociological and organizational theories to analyze, critique, and examine deviance and crimes committed by organizations, the rich, and powerful. This class will place an emphasis on the social structural (macro-level) and social psychological (micro-level) factors associated with elite and white collar deviance.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3570 - Sociological Theories of Crime

3 Credits

This course offers theoretical and methodological tools to study the different explanations of criminal and deviant behavior. Students will learn about strain, control, life course, disorganization, and subcultural theories. The course relates the theories to their historical intellectual origin and the role they play in public policy today.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3580 - Deviant Behavior: Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction

3 Credits

Deviance takes the forms from simple violations of informal codes of dress (violations) to the systematic eradication of human lives (genocide). Our studies together will consider both individual and systemic deviance, with particular attention paid to deviant behavior on the part of powerful social groups and even entire nations.

Attributes: BHS-Social Sciences, Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Social & Behavioral Sci

SOC 3590 - Law and Society

3 Credits

Examination of the complexities and concerns inherent in sociological and legal understanding of the relationship between law and society. Law is examined both as a social force and a social product.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3680 - Drugs and Society: Legal and Medical Implications of the "War on Drugs"

3 Credits

This course takes a sociological approach to understanding U.S. drug use and drug policy. We will examine what constitutes a "drug", how drugs' meanings and uses have changed over time, and how professional, economic, and cultural forces shape how we make sense of drugs and the people who use them.

Prerequisite(s): (CORE 1500*, SLU English Placement with a minimum score of 1500, SLU Math Placement with a minimum score of 0000, or LP Spanish Placement with a minimum score of 1); (CORE 1000 or UUC Ignite Seminar with a minimum score of S); Minimum Earned Credits of 60

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Soc-Law, Crime & Deviance, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Collaborative Inquiry, UUC:Dignity, Ethics & Just Soc, Diversity in the US (A&S)

SOC 3700 - Health and the Social Sciences

3 Credits

This course will focus upon health in relation to psychological and sociological approaches to understanding health. Students will develop habits of mind and method in learning across disciplines plus skills in solving problems by bringing together the theories and methods of psychology and sociology for more synthetic understandings of complex issues in the fields of health and medicine. Discussion of selected health-related topics from the fields of psychology and sociology will stress social science concepts and principles, scientific reasoning, problem solving, the design and interpretation of research evidence and data-based and statistical reasoning.

Prerequisite(s): (PSY 1010, SOC 1100, SOC 1110, or SOC 1120)

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3840 - African-American Religious Traditions

3 Credits

The purpose of this class is to expose the student to the historical and social nature of African American Religion. The course will cover the historical development of African American Religion from its African origins up to and including the Civil Rights Movement with some attention given to contemporary black liberation theology. Cross-listed with AAM 3350.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3910 - Internship

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action

SOC 3930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

This course is designed for experimental courses or courses of special interest that are approved by the departmental faculty prior to offering. This opportunity may take the form of a visiting faculty member or another program requesting a unique course at the 300 level for a single semester.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 3980 - Independent Study

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4015 - Quantitative Research Methods

3 Credits

This course is designed to introduce students to quantitative skills, methodologies, and software necessary to analyze social science research questions and evaluate public policies. Students will learn the vocabulary associated with scientific thinking and research methods, data collection, data analysis, data presentation, and interpretation and discussion of analytical results. This is an introductory course in statistical analysis that covers the properties and characteristics of data and variables and presents both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 2000

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4025 - Qualitative Research

3 Credits

This course introduces the major methodologies and techniques for conducting research into the human condition in its natural context. It includes discussion of the analysis of group behavior, beliefs, symbols, rituals, ceremonies, relate to technologies, and generally order of their natural world and control their societies.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S), UUC:Identities in Context

SOC 4640 - Demographic Methods, Analysis, and Public Policy

3 Credits

This course covers beginning and intermediate demographic methods. This course consists of lectures, seminars, and labs. Topics to be covered include: Population Dynamics, Economic Dynamics, Social Dynamics, and Applied Demographic Methods and Policy.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Health & Medicine, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4650 - Principles and Methods of GIScience

3 Credits

This class introduces concepts, tools, techniques, science, and theory of GIScience for social and economic analysis. After successful completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate fundamental techniques of geospatial analysis and mapping.

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4660 - Intermediate Geographic Information Systems

3 Credits

This course covers intermediate and advanced topics in GIS including remote sensing for GIS, geospatial statistics and GIS in biogeography. Students may only apply credits towards their graduation requirements from one of the following courses: EAS 4180, BIOL 4180, or SOC 4660.

Prerequisite(s): (SOC 4650, EAS 4170, or BIOL 4170)

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4670 - Spatial Demography – Applied Spatial Statistics

3 Credits

This course covers intermediate and advanced topics in Spatial Statistics. This course consists of lectures, seminars, and labs. Topics to be covered include: Spatial Autocorrelation, Spatial Regression, Geographically Weighted Regression, and Gravity Models.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 4650

Attributes: Sociology Elective, Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4680 - Forensic GIS

3 Credits

This course teaches students how to apply spatial statistics and sociological theories to the study of crime and deviance in American cities. Topics to be covered include: hot spot mapping, journey to crime models, temporal and spatial patterns of crime, and risk terrain modeling.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4700 - Applied Spatial Analysis for Social Sciences

3 Credits

This course covers advanced topics in demography, spatial statistics, and Geographic Information Science (GIS). Topics to be covered include: gravity models, spatial segregation, spatial inequality, spatial scaling, journey to crime models, risk terrain models, and hierarchal spatial models.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 4640; SOC 4650; SOC 4660

Attributes: Soc-Urban, Imm & Demog, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4800 - Research Activity: Supervised

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

This course provides students with research experience under the guidance of a faculty member. Student involvement in various components of the faculty member's research project(s) is the typical form. The course provides competitive advantages for students interested in applying to graduate schools.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 2000

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4840 - Sociology Capstone

3 Credits

Provides the opportunity for students to synthesize the knowledge and skills they have gained from previous courses. In the process of examining conventional common sense assumptions, students are encouraged to think critically and deeply about themselves and the world in which they live.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4910 - Internship

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Sociology Elective, UUC:Reflection-in-Action

SOC 4930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Students are introduced to key issues involved in sociological research.

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Sociology

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Attributes: Anthropology Elective, Sociology Elective, Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 4990 - Departmental Honors Thesis

1-3 Credits (Repeatable up to 6 credits)

An independent research project under a thesis director and a faculty committee. This course is repeatable up to 6 credits. Honors thesis course in the penultimate semester may provide variable credits for research work preparatory to the completion of the thesis. To qualify to do a Departmental Honors Thesis a student must first meet qualifying standards.

Attributes: Social Science Req (A&S)

SOC 5010 - Organizational Theory and Administration

3 Credits

The theories of organization exist at the intersection of motivation/leadership, politics, and ethics as they relate to policy. Organizational theory is concerned with matters of organizational design, and thus is a useful complement to the study of motivation and leadership taking place in other disciplines. Further, because the social sciences are more tolerant of departures from the 'rational mode' of organizational behavior than economics and business, it is a favorite location for research and teaching on the politics of organizational behavior and policy. Finally, and related point, social science familiarity with cross-cultural research enables students to discuss values and their relation to policy more fluently than those in other disciplines. Thus, policy is well framed by the study of organizational theory.

Attributes: Grad Pol Sci Policy Elective, Grad Pol Sci Elective

SOC 5015 - Quantitative Research Methods

3 Credits

This course is designed to introduce students to quantitative skills, methodologies, and software necessary to analyze social science research questions and evaluate public policies. Students will learn the vocabulary associated with scientific thinking and research methods, data collection, data analysis, data presentation, and interpretation and discussion of analytical results. This is an introductory course in statistical analysis that covers the properties and characteristics of data and variables and presents both descriptive and inferential statistics.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5060 - Qualitative Research Methodology

3 Credits

This course will provide descriptive research methods including participant observation, oral history, and photography and their application to program evaluation and policy analysis.

Attributes: MPH-Global Health, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, Grad Pol Sci Elective, Grad Pol Sci Skills, Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5100 - Proseminar

3 Credits

This course critically examines the linkage of theoretical and practical issues in criminal justice. Topics include crime causation, policing, adjudication and sentencing, and corrections. offered annually.

SOC 5530 - Urban Ethnography

3 Credits

This course introduces students to a sociological perspective of everyday social settings by applying methods of systematic, qualitative observation.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Specilization

SOC 5540 - Environmental Impact of City

3 Credits

This course examines the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability in cities around the world.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Specilization

SOC 5550 - Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations

3 Credits

This course will examine the issues of racial, ethnic, and cultural minority groups in the U.S. and abroad from historical, economic, political, and sociological perspectives. Students will learn theoretical perspectives to address issues relevant to race and ethnic relations. The course will use a seminar format which will require students’ active involvement in presentations and discussion.

SOC 5600 - Research Methodology

3 Credits

This course offers general knowledge and basic skills of conducting scientific research. This course focuses on several major research techniques, such as survey, experimental, evaluation, qualitative, and unobtrusive methods. Students will develop a research design in the form of grant proposal, Master’s thesis prospectus, Ph.D. dissertation prospectus, or a professional paper as required by individual departments.

Attributes: Grad Pol Sci Elective

SOC 5610 - Death Investigation

2 Credits

This course exposes the various forensic disciplines involved in a medicolegal death investigation and teaches an individual the tools and techniques necessary to perform a thorough, competent medicolegal death investigation. Proper instruction for disseminating this information is also covered. The course is designed to teach the 29 national guidelines as set forth in the National Institutes of Justice 199 publication, Death Investigation: A guide for the Scene Investigator. Registration in this course requires concurrent registration in the Medicolegal Death Investigator Course sponsored by the Pathology department in the School of Medicine.

SOC 5640 - Demographic Methods, Analysis, and Public Policy

3 Credits

This course covers beginning and intermediate demographic methods. This course consists of lectures, seminars, and labs. Topics to be covered include: Population Dynamics, Economic Dynamics, Social Dynamics, and Applied Demographic Methods and Policy.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5650 - Principles and Methods of GIScience

3 Credits

This class introduces concepts, tools, techniques, science, and theory of GIScience for social and economic analysis. After successful completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate fundamental techniques of geospatial analysis and mapping.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5660 - Intermediate GIS

3 Credits

This course covers intermediate and advanced topics in GIS including remote sensing for GIS, geospatial statistics and GIS biography. Each part is instructed by a professor specialized in the particular area. Students may only apply credits towards their graduation requirements from one of the following courses: IAS 518, BIOL 518, or SOC 566.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 5650

SOC 5670 - Spatial Demography – Applied Spatial Statistics

3 Credits

This course covers intermediate and advanced topics in Spatial Statistics. This course consists of seminars and labs. Topics to be covered include: Spatial Autocorrelation, Spatial Regression, Geographically Weighted Regression and Gravity Models.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5750 - Qualitative Analysis, Grounded Theory Method

3 Credits

The course will focus on hands-on learning of developing a research design, collecting and analyzing data, interpreting and presenting the results, and publishing the research results. Grounded Theory Method for data collection and analysis will a major framework of research design, and students will lean different paradigms in analyzing qualitative data.

Attributes: Aviation Elective (Graduate), Aviation Research (Graduate)

SOC 5800 - Survey Design & Sampling

3 Credits

This course offers basic knowledge and skills of survey methods so that students will be able to apply various techniques for data collection and analysis. During the course, students will learn basic proposal development, instrument preparation, data collection and analysis, and presentation of the results, through hands-on practice. Students are expected to write publishable/presentable manuscripts as a term paper.

Attributes: Aviation Elective (Graduate), Aviation Research (Graduate), Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 5850 - Policy Evaluation and Assessment

3 Credits

This course will provide students with an understanding of the complexity and scope of policy evaluation and analysis. Students will become familiar with the concepts, methods, and applications of evaluation research. Students will also develop a toolkit to design traditional and cutting-edge evaluation methodology and analysis.

Attributes: Grad Pol Sci Elective, Grad Pol Sci Skills, Social Work PhD Specilization

SOC 5910 - Criminal Justice Internship

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

For students who do not have extensive criminal justice work experience, this internship will expose them to the operations of a criminal justice organization, and they will have the opportunity to examine a policy issue and develop alternative approaches to resolving the identified problem.

SOC 5930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SOC 5970 - Research Topics

3 Credits

Work specifically with a faculty member in an area of interest that results in a prepared grant proposal or a submission of an article to a professional journal.

SOC 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Sociology

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

To prepare for comprehensives or to do more in-depth study of a specific criminal justice area.

SOC 5990 - Thesis Research

0-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SOC 6100 - Regression Analysis & Non-linear Models

3 Credits

This course offers advanced knowledge and skills of multiple regression analysis, logistic regressions, log-linear and logit models so that students will be able to apply various techniques for date analysis. Students are encouraged to use their own data for course assignments. Students will develop a draft of a publishable/presentable manuscript as a term paper.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 5060

Attributes: Grad Pol Sci Elective, Grad Pol Sci Skills, Social Work PhD Methods

SOC 6200 - Urban Social and Political Theory

3 Credits

In this course we will review ways in which people imagine the urban world and try to make life more corrigible for the persons who live and work in it. We will review nine books and excerpts that address critical elements from specialists in these academic and applied disciplines. Offered every two years.

SOC 6225 - Urban Community Development

3 Credits

This course has three goals: introducing students to the history of community development efforts in the U.S.; assessing the policy goals of these efforts; and reviewing relevant research on this subject. The redevelopment of St. Louis receives special attention. Persons who know about the city's redevelopment present guest lectures.

SOC 6250 - Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy

3 Credits

This course provides a multidisciplinary framework to understand the theories and mechanisms that contribute to poverty and inequality in the U.S. The course will also provide a history of anti-poverty policies interventions and introduce current state of knowledge on policies that work at the national, state, city, and neighborhood level.

SOC 6275 - Health and Social Sciences

3 Credits

This course surveys topics in health & the social sciences, stressing social science concepts, principles, scientific reasoning, problem solving, the design and interpretation of research as well as data based and statistical reasoning. Offered every two years.

SOC 6320 - Organization Theory & Behavior

3 Credits

This course will provide a general focus on theories that provide insights into organizational life. Emphasis is given to public bureaucracies. Topics include motivational theory, management behavior and policy evaluation.

Attributes: Social Work PhD Specilization

SOC 6930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SOC 6980 - Graduate Independent Study in Sociology

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)