Neurology (N)
N 0301 - Neurology Clerkship
2-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
The neurology clerkship intents to provide the students with excellent teaching in neurology both didactic and clinical that will increase the students ‘confidence in their knowledge in the field and help them minimize their fear in dealing with patients with neurologic diseases.
N 0302 - Neurology Career Exploration
1-2 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course may be used to register for Neurology career exploration The location of the experience may be at a SLU SOM affiliate or at another health care institution.
N 0304 - Neurology - Sleep Medicine @ SLU Hospital
1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course may be used to register for Medical Education career exploration The location of the experience may be at a SLU SOM affiliate or at another health care institution. The medical student will participate in polysomnographic reading sessions at the sleep laboratory and the clinical evaluation of patients at the sleep disorders clinic.
N 0407 - Child Neurology
2-12 Credits
This is a primary outpatient experience in child neurology. The student will evaluate new and established patients in both the general pediatric neurology clinic and various subspecialty clinics including: New Onset Seizure clinic, Neuromuscular clinic, Neurofibromatosis clinic, Neuro-Oncology clinic, Cerebral Palsy clinic and the NICU Graduate clinic.
N 0408 - Clinical Neurophysiology
2-12 Credits
The course consists of acquiring skills and developing concepts about different neurophysiological procedures. The student will be exposed to performance and interpretation of nerve conduction studies, electromyography, electroencephalography, and visual, auditory, somatosensory evoked potentials. Application of these procedures to different neurological diseases, including pathophysiology, will be discussed. The student will have the opportunity to write a paper on a subject of his/her own interest in the field of neurophysiology.
N 0410 - Clinical Neuro-Oncology
2-12 Credits
The student will attend weekly clinics in pediatric neuro-oncology, neurofibromatosis and pediatric-oncology tumor board conferences (weekly on Thursday 8.15 am cardiology conf room) and Brain tumor meeting (even week on Wednesday 12.30 pm radiology conf room) at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital.
N 0411 - Neurocritical Care
2-12 Credits
This is a hand on experience where the medical student under the supervision of a stroke/neurocritical care attending will evaluate patients in the neurocritical care team. Given the nature of the rotation involving critically patients, the rotation is purely an inpatient rotation. There is no outpatient experience.
N 0415 - Neuromuscular Disorders
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
During this one month rotation, the medical student will develop a basic understanding of the clinical, neurophysiology and laboratory aspects of neuromuscular diseases. The medical student should also learn how the information gained from these studies pertains to the understanding and care of patients with neuromuscular disorders in both the outpatient and inpatient setting. Objectives: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic historical and physical exam findings pertinent to the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. 2. Compare and contrast the benefits and limitations of various neuromuscular tests; justify how the results of the testing impacts the formulation of the proposed differential. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic managment and treatment of neuromuscular disorders and formulate reasonable, customized action plans to discuss with the attending.
N 0499 - Neurology Student Chief
1-12 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Students selected to take this elective will serve as "Student Chiefs" at the beginning of the required clerkships. Week 1: The first week of the elective overlaps with the required, one-week orientation for students beginning their clerkships. During this week you would receive instruction in how to teach and provide feedback in the clinical setting. You will also be expected to help with general third year orientation week. Weeks 2-3: The following two weeks, you will help the new third-year students make the transition from classroom to clinic. The clerkship director and the education coordinator for the clerkship will provide you with guidance in this area. For example, you may be asked to observe and provide feedback when students perform histories and physical exams, to provide guidance on written and oral case presentations, and other clerkship tasks. In general, your job is to help facilitate each student’s successful entry into the clerkship.
N 0501 - Acting Internship: Neurology at Saint Louis University Hospital
1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Specific to the Neurology Subinternship, the student will develop an increasing ability to: recognize and categorize all types and degrees of neurologic disorders determine all subjective and objective details in the history obtain a complete and organized physical and neurological examination formulate a thoughtful localization, working diagnosis and differential diagnosis demonstrate appropriate understanding and attainment of knowledge of the pathogenesis of symptoms, signs, images and laboratory values propose a practical management and treatment plan that are mindful of risks, resources and costs provide a clear and orderly expression and maintain legible written accounts of the presentation and progress of neurologic illnesses exercise ethical standards and humanistic social and emotional attributes for an illness with regard to the patient and family maintain a willingness to improve clinical performance and to teach other students and colleagues as well as patients and families exhibit a professional demeanor in appearance and actions.
N 0502 - Acting Internship: Neurocritical Care at Saint Louis University Hospital
3-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This is a hands on experience where the medical student under the supervision of a stroke/neurocritical care attending will evaluate patients in the neurocritical care team. Students will evaluate patients participate in morning and evening rounds by presenting and discuss patients under their care. It is expected the student will round 6 our of 7 days in the week. The student will have one day off a week. During the rotation it is also expected the student will give at least two short presentations to the team on a neurocritical care topic of his/her choice. Given the nature of the rotation involving critically patients, the rotation is purely an inpatient rotation. There is no outpatient experience.Gain basic experience in the common ethical issues that arise in the care of neurocritically ill patients.
N 0901 - Neurology Direct Patient Care
1-12 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course may be used to register for a Neurology elective. The elective experience must fulfill the requirements for a direct-patient care elective. The location of the experience may be at a SLU SOM affiliate or at another health care institution.
N 0903 - Neurology Research
1-12 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
This course may be used to register for a Neurology elective. The elective experience must fulfill the requirements for a research elective. The location of the experience may be at a SLU SOM affiliate or at another health care institution.