Health Management and Policy (HMP)

HMP 1300 - Contemporary Challenges in Health Care

3 Credits

This course is an introduction to the US health care system and its many challenges. Students will gain a basic understanding of private insurance operations, public financing for health care including Medicare and Medicaid, the operations of hospitals and clinics, as well as health care professionals’ roles in the health care system. Students will be encouraged to discover creative solutions to these challenges both from domestic programs and other countries’ health care systems. (Offered every Fall and Spring)

Attributes: Public Health Minor Elective

HMP 1930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Special topics offered occasionally.

HMP 2300 - Population Health Management

3 Credits

The course will cover the following topics: 1) Population health, strategies to assure the health of your catchment area and how social determinants of health are related to health care delivery, management, organizational structures and leadership; 2) An overview of value-based care (VBC) strategies and the IHI quadruple aim; 3) Patient engagement/measuring patient reported outcomes; 4) How to evaluate population health management programs; 5) Risk Adjustment and Audience Segmentation techniques as used in Population Health Management including machine learning and the use of risk stratification methods through which care providers can improve both clinical and financial outcomes. (Offered every Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 1300

HMP 2500 - Management of Health Care Organizations

3 Credits

This course provides students with an introductory overview of the major functional areas of health care management and shows their relevance to the delivery of health care services in a turbulent and very complex environment. Health care organizations are broadly clustered into: strategy and marketing, financial management, human resources management and data and systems. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 1300*

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 2930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 2980 - Independent Study

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 3200 - Health Care Economics & Policy

3 Credits

The main purpose of this course is to enable students to apply economic theory and analysis to health issues and problems, by emphasizing how markets work and why they fail in the production of health and delivery of health care services. Topics covered include an overview of the US health economy; the production of health and the demand for health care; market structure; the market for health insurance, managed care, and hospital services; and the role of public policy in producing healthy populations. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): ECON 1900* with a grade of C- or higher and HMP 1300*

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 3400 - Health Care Marketing

3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to train future health services management professionals marketing and management of health services. The course is intended to present concepts and tools used in developing, implementing, and managing successful marketing strategy. The marketing processes, consumer behavior, marketing mix, controlling and monitoring marketing processes are studies relative to the unique and changing aspects of the health services industry. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 1300*

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 3500 - Health Care Human Resources Management

3 Credits

The focus of this course is on functions and concepts required for managing human resources in health care organizations. It integrates traditional human resource management (HRM) with ideas from other organizational behavior. Course content includes recruitment, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, motivation, union activity, and conflict resolution. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 1300*

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 3910 - Internship

1-3 Credits (Repeatable up to 6 credits)

Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action

HMP 3930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 3980 - Independent Study

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 4200 - Health Care Financial Management

3 Credits

Corporate finance concepts and techniques are applied to health care organization decision making using relevant case studies. In addition to basic finance concepts, topics include capital acquisition, cost of capitol, capital investment decisions, tools of risk analysis, and financial and operating analysis. Analyses are applied to for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations. The course employs extensive use of spreadsheets. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 3200* and ACCT 2200 with a grade of C- or higher

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 4500 - Health Operations Management

3 Credits

Course examines operational issues in health care management. Topics include systems analysis, continuous quality improvement and re-engineering, demand forecasting, facility location and design models, decision analysis techniques, linear programming, queuing and waiting models, inventory control models, and statistical quality control. The goal is to instill an understanding of the language, applications, and limitations of quantitative models with regard to decision-making and problem solving in health service organizations. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): (MATH 1300, OPM 2070, DSCI 2070, STAT 1300, PSY 2050, or BST 3100); HMP 1300

HMP 4600 - Strategic Management in Health Care

3 Credits

This is the capstone course in the health administration undergraduate curriculum and is open to advanced BSHM students or others with the permission of the instructor. The purpose of this course is to assist the student in integrating strategic thinking and strategic management of health care organizations. Integration is facilitated by individual and team analysis of complex cases, including simulations. (Offered Fall and Spring)

Prerequisite(s): ACCT 2200 with a grade of C- or higher, HMP 2500, and HMP 3200


Enrollment is limited to students with a major in Health Management.

HMP 4930 - Special Topics

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Topics course, content varies.

HMP 4970 - Advanced Independent Research in Health Management

3-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

The course provides students with an opportunity to work closely with faculty on research in health management.

HMP 4971 - Directed Research in Health Management

3-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

The course provides students with an opportunity to work closely with faculty on research in health management.

HMP 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Health Management and Policy

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 5000 - Health Care Organization

3 Credits

This course provides an overview of and orientation to the US health care delivery system. Topics include the delivery, financing, regulation, and administration of health care services, and the economic, legal, political, and social factors which influence the health care system. Historical and contemporary issues are addressed. (Offered annually.) Cross-listed with PUBH 5050.

HMP 5030 - Introduction to Health Care Accounting

3 Credits

This course introduces students to the basics of financial and managerial accounting. The focus will be on the accounting concepts that are most critical to management decision making within a managed health care environment. Offered annually.

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Public Health Practice

HMP 5040 - Fundamentals of Economics and Finance

3 Credits

Focus is on understanding the basic theories of economics and how they relate to financial analysis and methods. Principal learning approaches employed include lectures, class discussion, and preparation of problem sets. Offered every Fall semester.

HMP 5100 - Quality Improvement in Health Care Management

3 Credits

This course examines the historical development, current concepts and techniques and future trends related to the monitoring and evaluation of the quality of health care services. Cases will be used to present current issues surrounding attempts to integrate quality management and increased accountability in health care organization. (Offered annually)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5300

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5110 - Health Operations Management

3 Credits

Course examines operational issues in health care management. Topics include systems analysis, continuous quality improvement and re-engineering, demand forecasting, facility location and design models, decision analysis techniques, linear programming, queuing and waiting models, inventory control models, and statistical quality control. The goal is to instill an understanding of the language, applications, and limitations of quantitative models with regard to decision making and problem solving in health care organizations. (Offered annually.)

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5130 - Health Information Systems

3 Credits

This course is designed to develop four areas of student knowledge, skills, and competencies in Health Information Management (HIM). It provides a broad overview of the theory and application of computers in the health setting, with emphasis on the health manager's role in relation to the information function. It introduces students to computer hardware, software and operating systems through hands-on experience with specific application programs such as word processing, spreadsheets, statistical packages , and data base managers. Students learn to identify the necessary resources, staff support and change management required to develop, implement, and evaluate a health information system. Finally, the course explores the potential and limits of information technology in improving community level health delivery via such resources as the Internet. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000; HMP 5110

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5160 - Health Care Supply Chain Management

3 Credits

This course will provide students a comprehensive understanding for managing the health care supply chain with its unique challenges. Content is classified into: understanding external partners, traditional supply chain management functions, and critical departments that disproportionately account for health care supply costs. Students will conduct a supply-chain project in an organization.

HMP 5190 - Analytical Methods for Health Management

3 Credits

This course presents basic epidemiological and statistical methods necessary for healthcare management, including disease and outbreaks, measuring outcomes and risks, and common statistical methods. For a specific management problem, students will apply methodological skills to understand, describe, analyze, and present a health problem.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5200 - Health Economics

3 Credits

This course provides students with a fundamental grounding in systematic economic analysis, emphasizing how markets work, why they fail, and how they can be improved in the production of health and the delivery of health care services.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5210 - Economic Evaluation

3 Credits

Economic evaluation is the comparison of different interventions (or a proposed intervention versus the status quo) to determine which is the best use of society's scarce resources. It includes cost-minimization, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility analysis. This course will cover the theoretical basis for economic evaluation, its use in health, and the mechanics of the 4 types of analysis. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5200

HMP 5300 - Management of Health Care Organizations

3 Credits

This course focuses on the macro-organizational concepts of managing complex health care organizations. Health care organizations are complex systems transforming inputs (professional, supplies, etc.) into outputs (health services) for customers (patients). To perform well, these systems require appropriate environmental assessments, strategy, governance, organizational structure, work processes, distribution of power, innovation and change. These requirements for effective organizational performance form the core content of the course. Offered annually.


Enrollment limited to students in the MPH Health Mgmt Policy, MPH Health Mgmt Pol (Dual JD) or MPH Health Mgmt Policy / Epi programs.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master Health Administration degree.

HMP 5310 - Medical Practice Management

3 Credits

This course will focus on ambulatory health care delivery systems, comparing and contrasting them with other health care models. The managerial process, including financing, personnel, organizational structures, physical plant, and external relationships, will be explored. The relationship of demographic variables to the planning process for ambulatory care will be developed. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000; HMP 5300

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5340 - Health Care Marketing

3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to train future health services professionals in managing and marketing health services from a strategic perspective. The course is intended to present principles, theories, methods, and tools used in developing, implementing, and managing successful marketing strategy, which creates and shapes the future. The marketing process, consumer behavior, the marketing mix, and controlling and monitoring marketing processes are examined in relationship to the unique and changing aspects of the health services industry. Offered annually.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5380 - Management of Human Resources in Health Care

3 Credits

This course focuses on functions and concepts required for managing human resources in organizations. It combines traditional human resource management (HRM) functions with concepts from organization behavior. Course content includes selection, training and development, compensation, performance appraisal, motivation, organizational development, union activity, and modes of conflict resolution. Offered annually.

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5390 - Ethical Leadership in Health Management and Policy

3 Credits

This applied course examines leadership though case studies in a variety of contexts and cultures. The purpose is to expand students’ point of view by considering the theoretical foundations and historical perspectives of leadership, contemporary views of leadership, and student’s personal exploration of ethics-based leadership in the healthcare setting.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5300

HMP 5400 - Legal Aspects of Health Services Management

3 Credits

This course is designed to familiarize students with legal issues in the health care field. It is also designed to provide students with insight into how the legal system functions, how lawyers analyze legal problems, and how health care administrators may interact with the legal system and lawyers. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000; HMP 5300

HMP 5500 - Health Policy

3 Credits

A course in health policy for advanced graduate students. The purposes of the course are to orient the students to the policy process, to increase the student's understanding of the nature of health policy making and health politics and to provide the student with an opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of current health care policy issues. (Offered every other year.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000*

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

HMP 5620 - Crisis Leadership

3 Credits

Today's organizations, communities, and social systems are faced with unprecedented, increasingly complex, and more devastating and recurrent crisis events. This course provides students with an overview of crisis leadership and emergency management, the continuum between traditional and crisis leadership, and a framework for a systematic approach to related theory, models and methods.

HMP 5700 - Health Care Financial Management

3 Credits

Corporate finance techniques for financial decision-making are applied to health care organizations using 'real world' case studies. In addition to basic finance concepts, topics include capital acquisition, cost of capital, capital investment decisions, tools of risk analysis, and financial and operating analysis. Both for-profit and not-for-profit health care organizations are studied. The course employs extensive use of Excel spreadsheets. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5030

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5710 - Financial Aspects of Health Care

3 Credits

Managed health care integrates health insurance functions with delivery of medical care. This course introduces students to financial issues faced by health care managers in a managed care environment. Topics include fundamentals of insurance, capitation rate development, risk analysis in managed care systems, cost accounting and management, and Medicare and Medicaid managed care. The course employs case analysis and team projects with local health-related organizations. (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5700

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5720 - Government Financing of Health Care

3 Credits

This course introduces the students to the economic theory of public goods and relates it to the role of government in providing for the maintenance and improvement of community health. The efficiency and effectiveness of current government financing strategies are analyzed. Topics include the theories of public goods and public choice, public budgeting processes, cost-benefit/cost effectiveness analysis of public investment, structure of Medicare, Medicaid and public health funding, and the economic effects of public financing of health-related services (Offered annually.)

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5300; HMP 5500

HMP 5725 - Health Insurance and Managed Care

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

Affordable Care Act implementation and consolidation within the health care industry have led to dramatic changes to the health insurance and managed care system in the United States. This course covers the fundamentals of health insurance and managed care, as well as recent changes and where the industry is headed in the future. The course will focus on the following topics: the basics of health insurance theory, an overview of the public and private health insurance system in the United States, impact of the ACA and other governmental regulations on the health system, and key components of managed care. Offered in spring. Must be enrolled in the MHA program, must not be enrolled in undergraduate level courses.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000


Enrollment limited to students in a Master Health Administration degree.

HMP 5800 - Strategic Management in Health Care Organizations

3 Credits

This is the capstone course in the SLU Health Management and Policy MHA curriculum. It is open to MHA students (or others with the permission of the instructor). The purpose of this course is to assist the student in integrating the knowledge and skills developed during their course of study in the MHA program in the context of strategic thinking and strategic management of health care organizations. Integration is supported by individual and team analysis of complex health management cases.

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5810 - Six Sigma Green Belt

3 Credits

This course covers the basic green belt 6-sigma material as defined by the more stream training program, which is used by ASQ. It is a second year elective that provides green belt certification when combined with a project completed in the Spring semester. This project may be the project for the Operations Management class.

Prerequisite(s): HMP 5000

Attributes: MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5820 - Health Care Project Management

3 Credits

Projects are the vehicles to introduce change into complex organizational systems. This course focuses on developing basic health care project management skills and competencies related to initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing projects. Additional emphasis is placed on the interpersonal understanding of the success and failure of projects.

Attributes: MPH-Global Health, MPH-Health Management & Policy

HMP 5900 - Health Management and Policy Rounds

1 Credit (Repeatable up to 3 credits)

Career development lecture series designed to expose students to the philosophical approaches, leadership styles, policy processes and decision-making strategies used by successful health care management executives, health policy makers and health policy analysts across the spectrum of the health sector.


Enrollment limited to students in the MPH Health Mgmt Policy, MPH Health Mgmt Pol (Dual JD) or MPH Health Mgmt Policy / Epi programs.

HMP 5910 - HMP Internship

1 Credit (Repeatable for credit)

A required intensive 12-week, full-time (480 hour) field experience designed to provide students with an opportunity to employ skills and principles learned in the classroom while working in a health care organization. (Offered in Summer)


Enrollment limited to students in the programs.

HMP 5930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 5950 - Special Study for Exams

0 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

HMP 5960 - Capstone Seminar in Health Management & Policy

3 Credits

As a capstone or culminating experience, the seminar integrates learning from all aspects of the curriculum through application of knowledge in individual and group exercises. The course also considers issues of current significance for health policy in the United States and internationally. Offered annually.

HMP 5970 - Research Topics in Health Management and Policy

1-3 Credits

HMP 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Health Management and Policy

1-3 Credits

HMP 6001 - Research Methods in Health Management and Policy

3 Credits

This course covers the basics of health management and policy research methods. If students are to become not only researchers themselves, but also good consumers of others’ research, the fundamentals of scientific inquiry must be understood. This means identifying problems that are appropriately addressed by research, selecting the most appropriate research design for the particular problem, and understanding the best sampling techniques and measures for the problem. By understanding these foundations, students can assess the validity of others’ research, and therefore, the strength of evidence for management and policy decisions. This course does not cover in-depth data analysis.