Eloquentia Perfecta: Writing Intensive

AAM 3300XAfrican American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
AENG 4014Flight Vehicle Analysis and Design II3
ARTH 2030Art and Philosophy3
ARTH 4900Research Methods3
BME 4960Senior Project II0,3
CCJ 4960Criminology and Criminal Justice Capstone3
CMM 2100Journalism: News Writing3
EAP 2850Nation, Identity and Literature3
ECE 4810Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II3
ENGL 3140Poetry3
ENGL 3150True Crime: Forensic and Literary Perspectives3
ENGL 3212Dark Academia3
ENGL 3220Film and Literature3
ENGL 3240Reading the Female Bildungsroman3
ENGL 3260British Literary Traditions after 18003
ENGL 3270American Literary Traditions to 18653
ENGL 3280American Literatures after 18653
ENGL 3470Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 349019th Century British Literature0,3
ENGL 3520African American Literary Traditions II: After 19003
ENGL 3550Native American Literature3
ENGL 3700The Bible & Literature3
ENGL 3730Introduction to Medical Humanities, Literature3
ENGL 3740Medicine and Literature3
ENGL 3850Persuasive Writing3
ENGL 3859Writing Consulting: Forms, Theories, Practice3
ENGL 3860Public Writing3
ENGL 3875Conflict Writing3
ENGL 4000Professional Writing3
ENGL 4010New Media Writing3
ENGL 4022Writing for the Gaming Industry3
ENGL 4025Technical Writing3
ENGL 4035Histories of Persuasion3
ENGL 4045Rhetoric and Religion: Persuasive Catholicism3
ENGL 4120Writing with Style3
FMST 3770XFilm and Literature3
FREN 3020Text, Voice, & Self-Expression3
FREN 3040Society, Nation & the Arts in Pre-Revolutionary France3
GR 3010Communicating in Written German: The German Media3
GR 3510Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival: Gender, Race, and Otherness3
HIST 3100The Reformation Era3
HIST 3460Tyrants, Traitors, Radicals: Founding the United States3
HSCI 3700Research Methods3
HUM 4100Engaging Difference in a Pluralistic World3
IPE 4900Interprofessional Community Practicum3
LATN 4010Latin Fathers3
NURS 2705Interprofessional Issues in Evidence Based Care 2
NURS 4147Research and Evidence Based Practice3
ORLD 4800Leadership and Organizational Behavior Capstone3
PHIL 2030XArt and Philosophy3
POLS 3160Campaigns and Elections3
POLS 4500Russian Political Culture3
POLS 4510Democratization3
SLHS 4060Research Practicum1
SLHS 4800Senior Seminar2
SOC 2630Religion and Social Sciences: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections on Religion3
SPAN 3030Refining Spanish Expression: Grammar & Composition3
THEO 2500Religion and Politics in American History3
THEO 3110Introduction to the Pentateuch3
THEO 3350Justice and Peace: The Legal Imagination in Christianity3
THEO 3375Women in the Bible3
THEO 3535Sex, Gender and Christian Ethics3
WGST 3240XReading the Female Bildungsroman3
WGST 3535XSex, Gender and Christian Ethics3