Portuguese (PG)
PG 1010 - Communicating in Portuguese I
3 Credits
Acquisition of basic communication skills through extensive study of Portuguese grammar and vocabulary, and practice in a variety of everyday situations. Emphasis on listening comprehension, reading strategies, and oral and written expression.
Attributes: MLIC Language
PG 1020 - Communicating in Portuguese II
3 Credits
Continuation of PG 1010. Consolidation of essential grammar: use of past and future tenses, and hypothetical conditions; further development of listening and reading strategies; and extensive practice of verbal and writing skills. Students that complete this course should have the equivalent of an A2 level according to the English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
Prerequisite(s): PG 1010
Attributes: Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language
PG 1930 - Special Topics
1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 2010 - Intermediate Portuguese: Language & Culture
3 Credits
Continued practice in and development of all language skills, enabling the student to function in an increased number of areas. Materials and discussion relating to Portuguese culture.
Prerequisite(s): PG 1020
Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language
PG 2020 - Conversation and Culture
3 Credits
Students discover varied aspects of the Portuguese-speaking world, while raising their proficiency in Portuguese to reach a B2 level according to the Common European Framework, a level at which they can communicate with increasing ease and accuracy. There is an emphasis on oral expression and listening comprehension, reinforced by reading and writing skills. The linguistic differences between Portuguese and Spanish will be highlighted.
Prerequisite(s): PG 2010
Attributes: Foreign Language BA Req (CAS), Foreign Language BS Req (CAS), MLIC Language
PG 2930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 2980 - Independent Study
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 3910 - Internship
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action
PG 3930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 3980 - Independent Study
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 4910 - Internship
1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action
PG 4930 - Special Topics
1-4 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
PG 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Portuguese
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)