Cura Personalis: Self in the World

AENG 4004Flight Vehicle Analysis and Design I3
ART 4850Studio Art Senior Exhibit and Capstone1
ARTH 2000Art History Seminar1
BIZ 3000Career Foundations1
BME 4950Senior Project I3
CMM 4500Digital Portfolios and Professional Practice3
CORE 3500Cura Personalis 3: Self in the World1
DPT 3214Reflections on the Core and the Future1
ECE 4800Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I3
HR 4860Honors Professional Development and Vocational Discernment1
MAT 3000Athletic Training Student Development II2
NMT 4910Senior Seminar II2
NURS 3457Community Project for RNs2
NURS 4400Synthesis of Nursing Concepts1
NURS 4405Synthesis of Nursing Concepts1
SLHS 4300Clinical Methods3