Ancient Greek - Advanced, Microcredential (Beginning Fall 2025)

The microcredential in advanced Ancient Greek consists of 6 required credit hours. Satisfactory completion of the required courses would allow the student to develop the necessary skills to conduct proficient-level communication in Ancient Greek through the acquisition of appropriate vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening comprehension, speaking capabilities, and an exploration of issues in cultures which used Greek as a form of communication.

Admission Requirements

For current, active Saint Louis University students wishing to declare a microcredential, complete the Update for Student Curriculum Record form

For non-Saint Louis University students, click here to apply as a Visiting/Non-Degree Seeking Student. 

GK 2010Intermediate Greek Lang & Lit3
GK 3XXX/4XXXAny upper-division GK course3
Total Credits6

Continuation Standards

Students are expected to earn a grade of "C" or better in each required course. Students who do not achieve the "C" or better grade in a required course will be expected to repeat the course in an attempt to achieve the "C" or better grade. Students may repeat a required course one time. Failure to achieve the "C" or better grade after one repeat attempt will have the student dismissed from the microcredential in Advanced Ancient Greek.

Students in the ancient Greek microcredential can take courses at SLU's campus in Madrid.