Marketing, Minor

The marketing minor at Saint Louis University's Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business offers business and nonbusiness SLU students exposure to multiple areas in the field of marketing.

Students are required to take MKT 3000 Introduction to Marketing Management (3 cr) and then select any four additional courses from the marketing curriculum. This flexibility provides students the ability to customize their marketing minor to those areas of most interest to them (e.g. sports marketing, retail management, brand management), making marketing a complement to many business or non-business majors.

Required Courses
MKT 3000Introduction to Marketing Management3
Elective Courses
Select four of the following:12
Integrated Marketing Communications
Sports Marketing
Marketing Research
Social Media and Digital Marketing
Retail Management
Consumer Behavior
Personal Selling
Sales Management
International Marketing
Brand Management
Marketing Analytics
Marketing Strategy §
Marketing Internship
Total Credits15

Additional prerequisite: Senior standing.


Outside of the Business Common Body of Knowledge (CBK), a maximum of one business course (3 credit hours) may be used to fulfill requirements in two business majors/minors.

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA) in all courses used to fulfill minor requirements. If the minor GPA falls below a 2.00, students will have one semester to increase their minor GPA to a 2.00, or they will not be allowed to enroll in 3000- and 4000-level minor courses.

Students can complete all or part of the Marketing minor at SLU’s campus in Madrid.