Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
ABA 3010 - Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to applied behavior analysis. Applied behavior analysis is a field dedicated to the scientific application of behavioral principles and procedures to socially relevant problems. During this course, students learn the causes of behavior. Students will also learn about basic principles and procedures, such as reinforcement, punishment, and functional assessment. In addition, we will cover particular content areas including behavioral medicine, behavioral gerontology, drug and alcohol abuse, classroom management, developmental disabilities, and applications in business and industry.
Prerequisite(s): PSY 1010
Attributes: Psychology BA Elective, Psychology BS Elective, PSY Health Applied Cluster
ABA 4100 - A Behavioral View of Racism as it Relates to Systems in the United States
3 Credits
What is racism and does it exist in systems in the United States? In this course, students will first explore racism using different theories and disciplines and develop their own, shared working definition. They will then apply this definition to a case study to determine if racism played a role in various systems within the United States including the criminal justice system, the banking system, and the division of child and family services. Students will apply their developed definition of racism to the facts of their case study to determine if racism played a role in the outcomes. They will also explore what systems can decrease or minimize the effects of racism in each of these systems.
Prerequisite(s): CORE 1000; Minimum Earned Credits of 60; (CORE 1000 or UUC Ignite Seminar Waiver with a minimum score of S); CORE 1500*
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
Attributes: UUC:Collaborative Inquiry, UUC:Dignity, Ethics & Just Soc
ABA 5001 - Supervision and Organizational Behavior Management
3 Credits
This course builds upon the basic principles of learning and applied behavior analysis presented during previous courses in the Applied Behavior Analysis program curriculum. This course develops students understanding of evidenced-based strategies for supervision, organizational behavior management, group contingencies and meta-contingencies, and influencing behavioral change of employees and staff working with clients/consumers of behavior analytic services. Course content supports the social work value of social justice, as it relates to provisions of professional services to persons with disabilities.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5002 - Philosophy of Behavioral Science
3 Credits
This course builds upon the basic principles of learning and applied behavior analysis presented during previous courses in the Applied Behavior Analysis curriculum. This course will highlight the philosophical underpinnings of behavioral science, including Radical Behaviorism, and how the application of such theoretical principles can impact individuals, groups, and macro-level social systems (e.g., government, religious institutions, etc). Concomitantly, the course will focus on verbal behavior and derived relational responding across phylogenic, ontogenetic, and cultural levels of analyses. The goal of the course is to refine students’ conceptual knowledge of the science of human behavior generally, and as it relates to verbal behavior.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5115 - Advanced Clinical Research Capstone
3 Credits
This course seeks to assist students with advancing their clinical skills learned during practicum I-III, by integrating research into their practice. Students will actively apply research-based techniques and theoretical perspectives during clinical practice, according to the BACB ethical code. Students will complete a capstone project that requires them to complete a formal research project with at least one participant. Students will conduct original research, write a background literature review, methods, results, and conclusions and present their final research to their peers.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5820; ABA 5826; ABA 5827; ABA 5828; ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher; ABA 5747; ABA 5748; ABA 5774
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5116 - Practicum IV
1 Credit
Students will learn to integrate knowledge, values, and skills to develop a professional level of practice with specific emphasis on applied behavioral analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5820; ABA 5826; ABA 5827; ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher; ABA 5828; ABA 5747; ABA 5748; ABA 5774; SWRK 5821 with a grade of B or higher; SWRK 5822; SWRK 5823
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
Corequisite(s): ABA 5115
ABA 5117 - Advanced Clinical Research Competency Seminar V
1 Credit
This two-part course seeks to assist students with advancing their clinical skills learned during practicum I-III, by integrating research into their practice. Students will actively apply research-based techniques and theoretical perspectives during clinical practice, according to professional and ethical standards. Advanced practice experiences will include: conducting functional analyses; designing, implementing, and monitoring advanced and complex behavioral change programs; overseeing implementation of behavioral change programs by others; participating in behavioral program planning meetings; conducting behavior analytic principles and concepts in novel settings, environments, and/or populations. Course material will prepare students for working in the professions of behavior analysis and social work for Board Certification in Applied Behavior Analysis. Course content supports the ethical principles of social justice to provide professional services to persons with disabilities. (Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer)
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5115; ABA 5116; ABA 5820; ABA 5826; ABA 5827; ABA 5828
Corequisite(s): ABA 5118
ABA 5118 - Practicum V
1 Credit
Students will learn to integrate knowledge, values, and skills to develop a professional level of practice with specific emphasis on applied behavioral analysis as it relates to social justice.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5115; ABA 5116; ABA 5820; ABA 5826; ABA 5827; ABA 5828
Corequisite(s): ABA 5117
ABA 5746 - Principles & Concepts in Behavior Analysis
3 Credits
This course will familiarize students with behavior analysis fundamental philosophical assumptions, and the basic concepts and principles of operant and respondent conditioning. The course will review some of the basic laboratory research that has illuminated the principles of behavior. The material covered in this course will contribute to preparing students working in the field of behavior analysis and related fields for board certification in Applied Behavior Analysis.
ABA 5747 - Behavioral Assessment
3 Credits
This is a graduate course that will develop student’s basic knowledge about behavioral assessment methods and intervention selection in the field of applied behavior analysis. This course will review some of the basic assumptions and characteristics that define the field. The material covered in this course will prepare students working in the field of behavior analysis/related field and for board certification in Applied Behavior Analysis. Course content supports the social work value of social justice to provide professional services to all individuals requiring behavioral interventions.
ABA 5748 - Behavior Change and Process
3 Credits
This course will expand basic knowledge of students with respect to behavior analysis fundamental concepts, principles and philosophical assumptions including basic behavioral principles of operant and respondent conditioning, stimulus control, and develop a working understanding of these principles in behavior change strategies and interventions in the field of applied behavior analysis. This course will review some of the fundamental applied literature that has demonstrated the efficacy of behavioral strategies and continues to define the field. The material covered in this course will contribute to preparing students working in the field of behavior analysis and related fields for board certification in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5749 - Ethics in Behavior Analysis
3 Credits
This course will familiarize students with the ethical issues confronting those working as behavior analysts. Students will learn the ethical responsibilities inherent to working in their chosen field by exploring the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts as well as other relevant fields’ codes of ethics. Students will also explore issues of social justice and inequities that currently exist within the field of behavior analysis. They will explore their own biases and how these can influence their decision making when working with clients. The ethical standards in this course will prepare students working in the field of behavior analysis and prepare them for board certification in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5774 - Measurement & Experimental Design
3 Credits
This course will develop basic knowledge of students with respect to single subject research design, measurement and application of the empirical approach to evaluation of effectiveness of interventions in the field of applied behavior analysis. This course will review some of the basic assumptions and characteristics that define the field. The material covered in this course will contribute to preparing students working in the field of behavior analysis and related fields for board certification in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
Corequisite(s): ABA 5746
Attributes: Grad Pol Sci Skills
ABA 5775 - Basic Behavior Analysis
3 Credits
Basic behavior analysis, also known as Experimental Analysis of Behavior (EAB) provides the technological foundation for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). In this course, students will explore the relevant historical research of EAB, the implications of these findings, current research, and apply specific principles to gain an in depth understanding.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher; ABA 5774
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5820 - ABA Introduction to Practicum Seminar
1 Credit
This course provides students with an overview of the requirements of their fieldwork experience in applied behavior analysis. Students will review the requirements of fieldwork set forth be the BACB® and set students up for success in all of their practica experiences.
Corequisite(s): ABA 5826
ABA 5826 - Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum I
2 Credits
Students will learn to integrate knowledge, values, and skills to develop a professional level of practice with specific emphasis on applied behavioral analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
Corequisite(s): ABA 5820
ABA 5827 - Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum II
2 Credits
Students will continue to learn and to integrate knowledge, values, and skills to develop a professional level of practice with specific emphasis in applied behavioral analysis.
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5826; ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5828 - Applied Behavior Analysis Practicum III
2 Credits
Students will continue to learn and to integrate knowledge, values, and skills to develop a professional level of practice with specific emphasis in applied behavioral analysis. (Offered in Fall, Spring, Summer)
Prerequisite(s): ABA 5827; ABA 5746* with a grade of C or higher; ABA 5826
* Concurrent enrollment allowed.
ABA 5930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
A rotating selection of courses are periodically offered as special topics classes.
ABA 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Applied Behavior Analysis
0-3 Credits
The course provides students with an opportunity to develop their own research project that will be completed independently under their own initiative. The student will receive guidance and support of the assigned faculty member. The course requires prior approval of the faculty member and completion of a contract of agreement on products to be delivered and method of evaluating course/project outcomes.
ABA 5990 - Thesis Research
0-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
Students will conduct original research and begin to write a thesis that reflects independent thought and thorough knowledge of applied behavior analysis. (Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer)