Biochemistry (BCHM)

BCHM 5950 - Special Study for Exams

0 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

BCHM 5990 - Thesis Research

0-6 Credits

BCHM 6230 - Macromolecules: Structure and Function

4 Credits

Students participate in self-directed problem-solving exercises designed to provide familiarity with concepts and methodology in the analysis of enzyme catalysis, protein-nucleic acid interactions, and protein function and regulation. Emphasis is on independent investigation of information resources, development of a research plan, design of experimental approaches, and evaluation of data. Offered every fall semester.

BCHM 6240 - Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

3 Credits

Two topics of current interest in the general areas of macromolecular structure and function, molecular biology, signal transduction, and regulation of metabolism are presented each semester. Emphasis is on application of the scientific method and evaluation and interpretation of experimental data. Offered every fall semester.

BCHM 6250 - Preparation and Evaluation of Science Research Proposal

3 Credits

Lectures dealing with organization and evaluation of research proposals. Presentations of published papers selected by students in an areas outside their dissertation topic. Weekly progress reports lead up to submission of a research proposal. Proposals are critiqued by faculty and students and are revised in light of written critiques. Offered every spring semester.

BCHM 6280 - Intro to Genomics and Bioinformatics

2 Credits

Lectures dealing with organization and evaluation of research proposals. Presentations of published papers selected by students in an areas outside their dissertation topic. Weekly progress reports lead up to submission of a research proposal. Proposals are critiqued by faculty and students and are revised in light of written critiques. Offered every spring semester.

BCHM 6900 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal Club

1 Credit

Once per semester, each student selects a scientific research paper in the area of enzymology, macromolecular interaction, cellular regulation, molecular biology, or genetics. An informal oral presentation of the scientific background, critical evaluation of the data, and conclusions is presented to the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Journal Club. Offered every spring semester.

BCHM 6920 - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Colloquium

1 Credit

Once per semester, each student selects a scientific research paper outside the area of the dissertation topic, and makes a critical evaluation of the data and conclusions for oral presentation to faculty and students. Offered every fall semester.

BCHM 6950 - Special Study for Exams

0 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

BCHM 6970 - Research Topics

0-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

BCHM 6980 - Graduate Reading Course

1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

BCHM 6990 - Dissertation Research

0-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)