Education - Ed Policy & Equity (EPE)

EPE 5050 - Proseminar on Ed Research

3 Credits

This seminar is designed to aide SLU SOE doctoral students in the development of their individual skills, perspectives, and identities as researchers in the field of education and to foster a scholarly doctoral student community. We will model research processes, demystify the publication process, and prepare for future professional opportunities in education research, policy, and practice. Students will strengthen their abilities to communicate their research while becoming familiar with best practices in the field. The course is intended to complement additional SOE coursework in research methodologies and topical content as students grow in their capacities to conduct original research. (Offered in Fall)

EPE 5250 - Contemporary Issues in Education Policy

3 Credits

This course is designed to introduce students to the process of K-12 education policymaking and how it affects educational practice in the United States. Informed by a range of social science disciplines, research in education policy has grown considerably in its rigor and scope in recent decades. This course seeks to equip students to analytically engage with emergent research as it applies to education policy and practice, particularly how it relates to inequality in educational attainment. Students will read seminal works on topics including: teacher compensation, evaluation, and certification; charter school and school choice policies; and college access and success.

EPE 6250 - Economics of Education

3 Credits

This survey course provides an overview of selected theoretical, conceptual, and empirical perspectives on topics in the economics of U.S. K-12 education policy. Prior student background in economics is not required or necessary. The aim of the course is threefold: (1) introduce fundamental themes in the economics of education; (2) engage empirical research on major education policies; and (3) encourage critical thought about how economic research and principles informs education policy. Key economic principles will guide analysis of a wide range of issues in education policy including school funding, human capital, school choice, accountability practices, and educational externalities. (Offered in Spring odd years)

EPE 6650 - Applied Research and Reporting

3 Credits

This seminar will engage students on the complete process of applied research in education from the creation of research ideas to presentation and publication. Course topics will focus on managing the research process, generating research findings, and communicating results in academic and professional presentations and in reports and journal articles. Intended for students soon to commence dissertations, this course will prepare students to effectively drive independent research agendas. The course will leverage the expertise of researchers and faculty at SLU and other academic and professional organizations recognized for conducting rigorous education research. (Offered in Spring in even years.)

Prerequisite(s): EDR 5000 with a grade of C or higher, EDR 5100 with a grade of C or higher, and EDR 5400 with a grade of C or higher; EDR 6100* with a grade of C or higher

* Concurrent enrollment allowed.

EPE 6950 - Special Study for Written Comprehensive Exams

0 Credits

Special study for written comprehensive exams.