Epidemiology (EPI)
EPI 0100 - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
0-4 Credits
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of medical epidemiology and biostatistics. Learning methodology includes lectures, assigned readings, and small group workshops. The course focuses on acquiring the skills required to understand and assess biomedical research.
EPI 4000 - Intro Epidemiology: Foundations & Practice
3 Credits
Epidemiology forms the scientific rationale for public health assessment, assurance, and program/policy development. This course introduces students to foundational principles of epidemiology, including outcome measures, surveillance, and study design. Historical and current examples are used to demonstrate the applications of epidemiology in public health practice. (Offered Fall and Spring)
Prerequisite(s): (MATH 1400 with a grade of C- or higher, SLU Math Placement with a minimum score of 1510, or 1 Course from MATH 1510-4999)
Attributes: Public Health Minor Elective
EPI 4930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
EPI 4980 - Advanced Independent Study in Epidemiology
1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
EPI 5000 - Principles of Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course is an introduction to epidemiology, which is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations and the application to the control of health problems. Topics will include analytic reasoning in public health and disease surveillance, descriptive and analytic study designs, and causal inference. Basic statistical measures used in the analysis of epidemiologic studies, including measures of disease frequency and measures of association, will be covered.
Students with a classification of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.
EPI 5020 - Epidemiology Methods II
3 Credits
This course is offered to graduate students who desire more intensive training in epidemiologic research methods than offered in EPI 5000. This course covers observational study designs, infectious disease outbreak analysis, sampling methods, statistical power, multivariate analysis, types of bias, and causal inference. Offered annually.
Prerequisite(s): (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030); (BST 5000, PUBH 5040, or BST 5020)
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Global Health, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Public Health Practice, Grad Pol Sci Skills
EPI 5110 - Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
3 Credits
The history of epidemiology and infectious diseases are intricately intertwined. Our understanding of Infectious Diseases requires an integration of phenomenal advances including newly recognized pathogens, explosion of diagnostic technology, hosts with unprecedented compromised states, a better understanding of dynamic demographic and sociocultural forces, and improvements in study design, analysis, and modeling. (Offered annually.)
Prerequisite(s): (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030)
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Biosecurity & Disaster Prp, MPH-Epidemiology, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Public Health Practice, MPH-Biostatistics
EPI 5120 - Chronic Disease Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course considers some of the major substantive issues and methods used in chronic disease epidemiology. Emphasis will be on the application of epidemiologic principles and methods related to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric illness, and other chronic diseases. Topics include classification of diseases, rates, associations, etiology, prevention, and control. (Offered every year)
Prerequisite(s): (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030)
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Epidemiology, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Public Health Practice, MPH-Biostatistics, Social Work PhD Specilization
EPI 5220 - Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
3 Credits
Explores epidemiologic methods/research related to MCH public health practice. Emphasis is placed on synthesizing research that potentially challenges current public health policy and communicating the findings to policy makers. Includes analysis of infant mortality and selected reproductive, perinatal and child health issues such as infant mortality, childhood obesity, lead poisoning, prenatal substance abuse, and prenatal and childhood HIV infection. Policy implications are discussed.
Prerequisite(s): (BST 5000, BST 5020, or PUBH 5040); (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030)
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Epidemiology, MPH-Global Health, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Biostatistics
EPI 5230 - Applied Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course provides students with an understanding of the applications of epidemiology in public health and health care settings. It includes a brief review of key epidemiologic concepts; examples of the use of epidemiologic data in public health planning, health services decision-making and policy making; and case studies of current issues in epidemiology. Individual student projects involve data collection, analysis, and/or dissemination. (Offered annually.)
Prerequisite(s): PUBH 5030; PUBH 5040; EPI 5020
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Public Health Practice, MPH-Biostatistics
EPI 5250 - Social Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course will provide a survey of the social determinants of health (e.g. socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, social capital and neighborhood influences) with emphasis on methods and issues of measurement of social factors, and advanced methodologies in social epidemiology (e.g. community-based participatory research, GIS and spatial mapping, multi-level modeling)
Prerequisite(s): PUBH 5030 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Epidemiology, MPH-Global Health, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Biostatistics
EPI 5270 - Cancer Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course provides an overview of concepts related to cancer epidemiology, including cancer biology, etiology, surveillance, and study design. Classic examples and current topics will be used to explore the role of epidemiology in addressing disparities, policies, and population-based approaches to cancer prevent and control.
Prerequisite(s): (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030); (BST 5000, PUBH 5270, or BST 5020)
EPI 5280 - Perinatal Epidemiology
3 Credits
Issues related to the perinatal period from the framework of epidemiologic methods will be examined in the course through critical review of epidemiologic studies and exploration of design issues for this population. The students will also learn to apply perinatal research principles to data analysis in perinatal research through in-class data analysis exercise and individual research project.
Prerequisite(s): (EPI 5000 or PUBH 5030)
Attributes: MPH-Behavior Sci & Health Equi, MPH-Epidemiology, MPH-Global Health, MPH-Health Management & Policy, MPH-Maternal & Child Health, MPH-Public Health Practice, MPH-Biostatistics, Social Work PhD Specilization
EPI 5500 - Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology
3 Credits
This course presents the epidemiological methods used to investigate the health effects of occupational and environmental exposures to toxins. Epidemiological evidence concerning the health effects of selected occupational and environmental exposures will be critically reviewed and evaluated. (Offered annually)
Prerequisite(s): PUBH 5030 with a grade of C or higher
Attributes: MPH-Maternal & Child Health
EPI 5930 - Special Topics
3 Credits
EPI 5970 - Research Topics in Epidemiology
1-3 Credits
This course provides direct research experience in epidemiology. Content is developed jointly between the student(s) and a faculty mentor.
EPI 5980 - Graduate Independent Study in Epidemiology
1-3 Credits
This course provides specialized study in epidemiology to enhance skills in literature review and problem solving. Content is developed jointly between the student(s) and a faculty mentor.
EPI 603 - Clinical Epidemiology
3 Credits
The purpose of this course is to explore how epidemiologic models are applied to clinical research questions. Clinical epidemiology evaluates factors that are related to variation in the outcomes of illness. Topics that may be covered include the evaluation of diagnostic tests and screening studies, nosocomial infections, health outcomes issues, and the synthesis of existing study results including critical literature review and the use of meta-analysis. Some statistical measures related to clinical epidemiology will also be introduced and discussed.
Prerequisites: (EPI 500 or 501 and EPI 502) and (BST 500 or 501).
EPI 6930 - Special Topics
3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)
EPI 6970 - Advanced Research Topics in Epidemiology
1-3 Credits
EPI 6980 - Graduate Independent Study in Epidemiology
1-3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)