Medieval Studies (MDVL)

MDVL 2100 - The Medieval World

3 Credits

This introduction to life in the Middle Ages (400-1500) in the West and to the field of Medieval Studies examines the experience and achievements of medieval people from multiple perspectives. Drawing on many different disciplines, including history, literature, art, philosophy, theology, and archaeology, this course offers a general overview of medieval culture, as embodied in its values and customs, its ideas and institutions. Class activities include discussions of medieval texts and artifacts, guest lectures from medievalists on their areas of expertise, field trips to sites of medieval interest, and introductory surveys of relevant topics, from manuscripts to heraldry, cathedrals to crusades. These activities also illustrate the techniques of the professional medievalist.

Attributes: Catholic Studies-Elective

MDVL 4910 - Medieval Studies Internship

1-6 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

This internship, which serves as a possible capstone to the Medieval Studies major, entails 110-120 hours of work with a non-SLU entity (e.g., St. Louis Art Museum) on a particular project throughout the academic term. Consult with Undergraduate Director of Medieval Studies prior to registration.


Enrollment is limited to students with a minor in Medieval Studies.

Attributes: UUC:Reflection-in-Action

MDVL 4960 - Medieval Synthesis

3 Credits

This capstone to the Medieval Studies program provides an opportunity for the student to integrate previous coursework in the various medieval disciplines. The focus is on the research and writing of a paper on a medieval topic approached from an interdisciplinary point of view, under the guidance of a member of the faculty.