Spirituality (SPR)

SPR 1500 - Ecospirituality: Sacred Earth, Common Home

3 Credits

This course is an introduction to the study of ecospirituality within the Roman Catholic tradition. With primary emphasis on Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical Laudato Si’, the learning community will be introduced to some of the basic paradigms of ecospirituality: the sacredness of the earth; the scope of the environmental crisis today; the responsibility of humankind for the environmental crisis; the relationship between care for the earth and care for the poor; integral ecology; anthropocentrism and the rights of all created things.

Attributes: Prof. Studies Students Only

SPR 3610 - Spirituality: Work & Vocation

3 Credits

This course will examine the lifelong process of discernment that leads to the identification of one's vocation or calling in life, as well as the meaning and spirituality of work. The course will involve personal reflection and internalization of the spiritual dimension of the student's life experience.

Prerequisite(s): THEO 1005

Attributes: Prof. Studies Students Only

SPR 3930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPR 3980 - Independent Study

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPR 4810 - Spirituality, Peace & Justice

3 Credits

This course will introduce the student to the Catholic social teaching tradition on selected topics having to do with peace and justice. It will also explore the dynamic relationship between the work of peace and justice in contemporary society and the spiritual life.

Prerequisite(s): THEO 1005

Attributes: Prof. Studies Students Only

SPR 4930 - Special Topics

3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)

SPR 4980 - Independent Study

1 or 3 Credits (Repeatable for credit)