1.19 Photography and Audio and Video Recording Opt-Out Policy

Saint Louis University uses photographs, names and audio and video recordings of employees and Students for general use in print and digital marketing assets, public relations, promotions, publicity and advertising. 

Any Students who do not want to be photographed, named or recorded must contact the Saint Louis University Division of Marketing and Communications (DuBourg Hall, Room 39 or marcom@slu.edu) and submit a written request to opt-out.

Unless a written request to opt-out has been made to the Saint Louis University Division of Marketing and Communications, a Student’s image and/or likeliness may at any time be captured by photography or videography. Saint Louis University reserves the right to use any such image, photograph, video or the like, for any school-related purpose including, but not limited to, promoting, publicizing and/or advertising on behalf of Saint Louis University in print and online, including official Saint Louis University social media channels.

Individuals who wish to opt-out are responsible for removing themselves from areas in which photography and/or recording is taking place or notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status. Failure to do so may result in that individual’s inclusion in a photograph or recording and will be treated as consent for Saint Louis University to utilize that photograph or recording accordingly.

Images and videos taken in public spaces and/or at public events do not require authorization for publication. A Student’s presence in or around Saint Louis University facilities and/or properties, as well as at off-campus, school-sponsored events, constitutes the Student’s consent to the capture and/or use of their image and/or voice by Saint Louis University and waives any claims or rights, whether in law or in equity.