Equity and Global Identities: Global Interdependence

AAM 3250Critical History of African American Education3
AAM 3510Theoretical Foundations of African American Studies3
AAM 4350XStereotyping and Bias in the Mass Media3
AEP 0410XPeople, Places, Connections: An Introduction to Human Geography (for AEP students only)3
AEP 1410People, Places, Connections: An Introduction to Human Geography (for AEP students only)3
ANTH 2080Urban Poverty: A Global Perspective3
ANTH 2200Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 2330Anthropology of the Apocalypse: Climate Fictions and Future Imaginaries3
ANTH 3220Water Worlds: The Anthropology of Water3
ANTH 3460Global Mental Health3
ARTH 1010Art and its Histories3
ARTH 1090Global Masterpieces in Art3
ARTH 2100Art of Jerusalem and Three Faiths: Past and Present3
ARTH 2140Islamic Art and Society3
ARTH 2450Art of Pilgrimage and Crusades3
ARTH 3140Islamic Art and Society: Advanced3
ARTH 3450Art of Pilgrimage and Crusades: Advanced Studies3
ASTD 2200American Homefronts, Global Wars3
ASTD 2400Immigration in U.S. History and Culture0,3
ASTD 3040Religion and U.S. Global Activism3
CCJ 2050Multiculturalism for Criminal Justice Professionals3
CHEM 1000Chemistry and the Environment3
CHIN 3150Global Sinophone Fiction and Film3
CMM 4350Stereotyping and Bias in the Mass Media3
CMM 4460Global Media3
ENGL 3330World Literary Traditions III3
ENGL 3500Literature of the Postcolonial World3
FREN 2590Women Writers, Conflict, and Social Change in the French-speaking World.3
FREN 4170French and the Sciences3
FREN 4180French and International Relations: Global Simulation3
FREN 4290Conflict and Social Change: Women Writers in French3
HCE 2070Health Care Across Difference3
HCE 3060Plague Ethics: from the Black Death to COVID-193
HCE 3240Bioethics after Auschwitz3
HIST 1120Origins of the Modern World (1500 to Present)3
HIST 1121Utopias, Declarations, and Manifestos: Constructing Modern Worlds3
HIST 1700China and Japan To 1600: Histories, Cultures, Identities3
HIST 1710China and Japan Since 1600: Samurai, Revolutionaries, Entrepreneurs3
HIST 1730Who Were the Romans?3
HIST 2400XImmigration in U.S. History and Culture0,3
HIST 3015Homer Between Myth and History3
HIST 3220Jesuits and Their Worlds3
HIST 3250World in Conflict Since 19453
HIST 3420The Atlantic World3
HIST 3720Cultural Encounters 1500-17003
HSCI 3800Global Perspectives in Epidemiology3
IB 2000Introduction to International Business3
IB 3700Transitioning to a Sustainable World3
IPE 2100Interprofessional Collaboration and Healthcare in Global Context3
ORLD 4000Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior3
POLS 1540Blood and Money: Ethnic War3
POLS 1600Introduction to International Politics3
POLS 2510European Politics3
POLS 2530Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics3
POLS 2560The Politics of Asia3
POLS 2590Politics of the Middle East and North Africa3
POLS 3520Communism, Capitalism and Social Justice3
POLS 3530Comparative Revolutions3
POLS 3620International Organization and the Management of World Problems3
POLS 4860XGlobal & Transnational Feminism3
SLHS 3000Cultural Linguistic Diversity3
SOC 1180World Geography3
SOC 2080XUrban Poverty: A Global Perspective3
THEO 2710Religions of the World3
THEO 2755Islam: Religion, Culture, and Society3
THEO 3520A Critical Study of Martyrdom & Terrorism3
THR 2300Global East Asian Performance3
WGST 2201XCultural Anthropology3
WGST 3350Women and Gender in Global Film3
WGST 3500XLiterature of the Postcolonial World0,3
WGST 4350XStereotyping and Bias in the Mass Media3
WGST 4860Global & Transnational Feminism3