
AAM 3910Internship1-6
AAM 3913Atlas Internship1-6
AAM 4910Internship1-6
ACCT 4910Accounting Internship1-3
AENG 2910Co-op with Industry1-3
AENG 3910Co-op with Industry1-3
AENG 3915Internship with Industry1-3
AENG 4910Co-op with Industry0
AENG 4915Internship with Industry1-3
ANTH 2510Asylum: Sanctuary in a Bordered World3
ANTH 3910Internship1-6
AR 3910Internship1-6
AR 4910Internship1-6
ART 3910Studio Art Internship1-6
ART 4910Internship1-6
ARTH 3910Internship1-6
ARTH 4910Internship1-6
AS 4910Internship1-3
ASCI 2910Co-op with Industry1
ASCI 3910Co-op with Industry1
ASCI 3915Internship with Industry1-3
ASCI 4900Senior Seminar3
ASCI 4910Co-op with Industry1
ASCI 4915Internship with Industry1-3
ASTD 3910Internship in American Studies3
BIOL 3910Internship1-6
BIOL 4910Internship in Conservation1-6
BIOL 4911Integrated Bioinformatics Internship1-3
BIOL 4912Internship in Plant Science1-3
BIZ 2300Social Change Leadership3
BME 2910Co-Op with Industry1-3
BME 3915Internship with Industry0-3
BME 4915Internship with Industry1-3
BST 3910Internship1-3
BTM 4910Business Technology Management Internship1-3
CATH 4910Internship1-6
CCJ 4910Criminology and Criminal Justice Internship3
CCJ 4915Externship in CCJ1-3
CHEM 3910Internship1-6
CHEM 4910Internship1-6
CHIN 3910Internship1-6
CHIN 4910Internship1-6
CIS 4800Computer Information Systems Capstone Experience3
CLH 3910Internship1-6
CLH 4910Internship1-6
CMM 3910Internship1-6
CMM 4820Community-based Inquiry3
CMM 4910Internship1-6
CORE 2510VITAS - Vocational Inquiry Through Advocacy and Service1
CORE 4500Reflection-in-Action0
CORE 4510Reflection in Action Independent Study1
CSCI 3910Internship with Industry1-6
CSCI 4910Internship with Industry1-6
CVNG 2910Co-Op with Industry0
CVNG 3910Co-Op with Industry0
CVNG 3915Internship with Industry1-3
CVNG 4910Co-Op with Industry0
CVNG 4915Internship with Industry1-3
DANC 3910Internship1-6
DANC 4910Professional Internship1-6
DPT 4910Internship1-6
EAP 4910English Language Center Internship0-3
EAS 3910Internship1-6
EAS 4910Internship1-6
ECE 2910Co-op in Electrical and Computer Engineering0-3
ECE 2915Internship with Industry1-3
ECE 3910Co-op with Industry0-3
ECE 3915Internship with Industry1-3
ECE 4910Co-Op with Industry1-3
ECE 4915Internship with Industry1-3
ECON 4910Economics Internship1-3
EDL 3892Leadership and Service Seminar3
EDL 3910Internship in Orientation Leadership0-1
EDL 3915Internship in Peer Instruction0-1
EDSP 4850Student Teaching: Elementary Inclusive Classroom10
EMGT 4800Emergency Management Capstone3
ENGL 3910Internship1-6
ENGL 4910Internship1-6
EXSC 4910Internship / Fieldwork in Exercise Science1-3
FIN 4910Finance Internship1-3
FIN 4911Financial Analysis Track Internship3
FMST 4910Film Studies Internship1-6
FREN 3910Internship1-6
FREN 4910Internship1-6
FRSC 3910Internship1-6
FRSC 4910Internship1-6
FSCI 3700Principles of Flight Instruction3
GK 3910Internship1-6
GK 4910Internship1-6
GR 3910Internship1-6
GR 4910Internship1-6
HCE 4240Ethics and Geriatric Care3
HCE 4520Ethics and Practice of Community Mental Health Care3
HIST 3910Internship1-6
HIST 4910Internship/History in Practice1-6
HIST 4911Internship: Teaching Assistant1-3
HMP 3910Internship1-3
HR 4910Honors Internship1-3
HSCI 3910Internship1-3
HSCI 4910Internship1-3
HUM 4800General Studies Capstone3
IB 4900Global Immersion in International Business3
IB 4910International Business Internship1-3
INTN 4910Internship1-6
IPE 4900Interprofessional Community Practicum3
ISTD 3910Internship1-6
ISTD 4910Internship in International Studies1-6
ITAL 3910Internship1-6
ITAL 4910Internship1-6
LAS 3910Internship1-6
LAS 4910Internship1-6
LATN 3910Internship1-6
LATN 4910Internship1-6
LLC 3210Social Justice in the Jewish Tradition3
MATH 3910Internship1-6
MATH 4910Internship1-6
MDVL 4910Medieval Studies Internship1-6
MENG 2910Co-Op with Industry0
MENG 2913Co-Op in Mechanical Engineering0
MENG 3910Co-Op with Industry0
MENG 3915Internship with Industry0-3
MENG 4910Co-Op with Industry0-3
MENG 4915Internship with Industry0-3
MGT 4912Entrepreneurship Internship1-3
MGT 4913Leadership & Human Resource Management Internship1-3
MGT 4914Sports Business Internship1-3
MKT 4910Marketing Internship1-3
MUSC 3910Internship1-6
MUSC 4910Internship1-6
NEUR 4910Internship1-6
NMT 4700Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practicum I4
NURS 3457Community Project for RNs2
NURS 4815Issues in Critical Care2,3
ORLD 4800Leadership and Organizational Behavior Capstone3
PG 3910Internship1-6
PG 4910Internship1-6
PHIL 3910Internship1-6
PHIL 4910Internship1-6
PHYS 2910Co-Op with Industry1-6
PHYS 3910Co-Op with Industry1-6
PHYS 3915Internship with Industry1-6
PHYS 4910Co-Op with Industry1-6
PHYS 4915Internship with Industry1-6
PLS 4910Legal Internship1-6
PMGT 4800Project-Contract Management Capstone3
POLS 3850XFeminism in Action3
POLS 3910Federal Government Internship1-6
POLS 3911State or Local Government Internship1-6
POLS 3912Public Service Internship1-6
POLS 3913Atlas Internship1-6
POLS 3914Foreign Service Internship1-6
POLS 3915Legal Internship1-6
POLS 3918Overseas Fieldwork1-6
POLS 3919Women Leaders Internship1-6
POLS 4910Political Science Internship1-6
PPHS 4910Internship1-3
PST 4800Technology and Leadership Capstone Experience3
PUBH 3910Internship1-3
RUSS 3910Internship1-6
RUSS 4910Internship1-6
SERV 3000Ignatian Leadership and Service0,3
SLHS 4700Clinical Practicum2
SOC 3910Internship1-6
SOC 4910Internship1-6
SPAN 3910Internship1-6
SPAN 4150Spanish for the Health Professions3
SPAN 4910Internship1-6
SSI 4800Security and Strategic Intelligence Capstone3
SSI 4910SSI internship3
STAT 3910Internship1-6
STAT 4910Internship1-6
SWRK 4100Social Work Practicum I5
SWRK 4150Integrative Practice Seminar I1
SWRK 4200Social Work Practicum II5
SWRK 4250Integrative Practice Seminar II1
THEO 3910Internship1-6
THEO 4910Theology Internship1-6
THR 3910Internship1-6
THR 4910Professional Internship1-6
UNIV 3910Internship in Orientation Leadership1
VPA 3910Internship1-6
WGST 2700Feminisms in the U.S.: Intersectional Approaches3
WGST 3510The Structure of Poverty, Globally and Locally3
WGST 3850Feminism in Action3
WGST 3910Internship1-6
WGST 4919Women's and Gender Studies Internship1-6