Creative Writing, Minor

Through small, intensive writing workshops, students minoring in creative writing at Saint Louis University build their abilities to use innovative craft techniques to develop multiple dimensions of textual complexity in creative compositions, including fiction, poetry, drama and creative nonfiction.

Complementary coursework in literature enhances SLU students' awareness of literary traditions, enabling them to put their creative compositions into dialogue with significant literary predecessors.

The English department sponsors opportunities for creative writing minors to experience the world of contemporary literary arts. Creative writing minors can participate in live readings and publish their original work in The Kiln Project, an online literary magazine of SLU student creative writing. Students also engage visiting writers through the department's Georgia K. Johnston Writer-in-Residency Program.

Required Literature Courses
ENGL 3020Shapes of English3
One ENGL 2000-, 3000-, or 4000-level elective literature course3
Required Creative Writing Courses9
Three 3000- or 4000-level ENGL courses with the English Creative Writing attribute, such as:
Creative Writing: Poetry
Creative Writing: Fiction
Creative Writing: Drama
Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
Topics in Creative Writing
The Craft of Poetry
The Craft of Fiction
ENGL 4070
The Craft of Creative Writing
Writing with Style
Total Credits15

Continuation Standards

Students must complete all English courses with a grade of C or higher in order to count for Creative Writing minor requirements and to continue in the minor. 

Students can complete all or part of the Creative Writing minor at SLU’s campus in Madrid.