World Cultural Studies, Minor (Beginning Fall 2025)

Cultural studies is inherently an interdisciplinary field in which insights from language, literature, history, politics, economics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and other scholarly fields all come together to inform the ways of thinking in this discipline. The minor in world cultural studies aligns itself with all other programs in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, as well as with programs in other SLU departments, such as English, History, Philosophy, Political Science and International Studies, Sociology and Anthropology, Theological Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies. It is designed to help students gain a broader understanding of other cultures and of their own culture. This inherently fosters an understanding and appreciation for diverse perspectives and represents a crucial virtue in today's globalized world.

LLC 1010World Cultural Studies3
Area Studies9
Courses are selected from the subject codes of CHIN, FREN, GR, LLC, RUSS, or SPAN that also carry the "World Cultural Studies Elective" attribute. Students must complete their 9 credits in at least 2 geographical areas (i.e. in at least two of those department subject codes).
Any course that carries the "World Cultural Studies Elective" attribute.
Total Credits18

Examples of "World Cultural Studies Elective" attributed courses

LLC 1250Speaking in (Inter)Cultural Context3
LLC 3255Cultural Representations of Contemporary Migrations in Spain and Europe3
CHIN 3100Modern Chinese Fiction and Film3
CHIN 3150Global Sinophone Fiction and Film3
FREN 2590Women Writers, Conflict, and Social Change in the French-speaking World.3
GR 3210German Cultural History3
GR 3300Berlin3
GR 3310Modern German Prose and Film3
GR 3320German Cinema3
GR 3330German Identity3
GR 3500Courtly Love and Life Portrayed Through Medieval German Literature3
GR 3510Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival: Gender, Race, and Otherness3
IPE 2100Interprofessional Collaboration and Healthcare in Global Context3
RUSS 3250Russia From Peter to Putin: Imperial, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Culture3
RUSS 3270Soviet and Russian Cinema: Traditions and Innovations3
RUSS 3340Serfdom and Liberation: Challenging the Legacies of Forced Labor3
RUSS 3440Art, Media, & Power in Post-Soviet Russia3
RUSS 4510The Russian Orthodox3
SPAN 2240Meeting the Other: Hispanic Experience3
SPAN 4515Mexico, Migrations & Missouri3
ANTH 2200Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 3290Native Peoples of North America3
ENGL 3500Literature of the Postcolonial World0,3
ENGL 4130Literary Theory3
ENGL 4670Contemporary Postcolonial Literature and Culture3
ENGL 4680Major Post-Colonial Writers3
SOC 1180World Geography3
THEO 2710Religions of the World3
THEO 2715Jerusalem: Three Faiths, One City3
THEO 2717Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Medieval Spain3
THEO 2730Stranger Things: Peoples and Places through Religious Travelers' Eyes3
THEO 3335Christians In Middle East3
THEO 3710Arts of Hinduism and Buddhism3
THEO 3730Jewish Life: Bible to Middle Ages3
THEO 3735Jewish Life: Middle Ages to Modern Times3
WGST 3350Women and Gender in Global Film3
WGST 4500Madonnas, Witches, Rebels: Women and Gender in Italy3
WGST 4860Global & Transnational Feminism3